伊麗莎白二世 - 翻譯

By Megan
at 2009-04-19T07:55
at 2009-04-19T07:55
Table of Contents
He is someone who doesn't take easily to compliments. He has,
quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years.
Elizabeth II
綜合以下的資料, 我的結論是 "take to compliments" 是喜歡去恭維別人.
[Longman, Comtemporary English]
take to somebody/something (phrasal verb)
1 to start to like someone or something:
ex*Sandra took to it straight away.
ex*Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.
2 to start doing something regularly
ex*take to doing something
ex*Dee's taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.
[Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary]
take to sb/sth (LIKE) phrasal verb
to start to like someone or something:
ex*His wife took to her new neighbours at once.
ex*She's taken to tennis like a duck to water (= she likes it and is good at
[Cambridge Idioms Dictionary]
take to sth like a duck to water
to learn how to do something very quickly and to enjoy doing it
ex* Sue just took to motherhood like a duck to water.
ex* He's taken to his new school like a duck to water.
冰磧石雜記 http://duarte.pixnet.net/blog 雜亂無章的文字堆積, 酷寒且堅硬.
All Comments

By Anthony
at 2009-04-20T19:06
at 2009-04-20T19:06

By Ivy
at 2009-04-25T17:40
at 2009-04-25T17:40

By Iris
at 2009-04-30T01:22
at 2009-04-30T01:22

By Odelette
at 2009-05-04T01:35
at 2009-05-04T01:35

By Heather
at 2009-05-06T13:42
at 2009-05-06T13:42

By Rae
at 2009-05-07T12:45
at 2009-05-07T12:45

By Elizabeth
at 2009-05-11T18:23
at 2009-05-11T18:23

By Ivy
at 2009-05-14T14:38
at 2009-05-14T14:38

By Puput
at 2009-05-14T17:34
at 2009-05-14T17:34

By Eartha
at 2009-05-16T12:21
at 2009-05-16T12:21

By Agnes
at 2009-05-18T00:33
at 2009-05-18T00:33

By Rebecca
at 2009-05-21T12:46
at 2009-05-21T12:46

By Emily
at 2009-05-25T10:09
at 2009-05-25T10:09

By Audriana
at 2009-05-30T02:10
at 2009-05-30T02:10

By Cara
at 2009-05-30T15:21
at 2009-05-30T15:21

By Rachel
at 2009-06-02T19:00
at 2009-06-02T19:00

By Zora
at 2009-06-06T21:51
at 2009-06-06T21:51

By James
at 2009-06-11T20:24
at 2009-06-11T20:24

By Eartha
at 2009-06-12T21:47
at 2009-06-12T21:47

By Connor
at 2009-06-17T09:38
at 2009-06-17T09:38

By Zora
at 2009-06-21T10:56
at 2009-06-21T10:56

By James
at 2009-06-23T23:05
at 2009-06-23T23:05

By Elvira
at 2009-06-26T17:03
at 2009-06-26T17:03

By Valerie
at 2009-06-30T07:48
at 2009-06-30T07:48

By Dinah
at 2009-06-30T18:29
at 2009-06-30T18:29

By Mason
at 2009-07-03T05:20
at 2009-07-03T05:20

By Thomas
at 2009-07-05T09:46
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