0.7/字_2503字_英譯中_生物相關 - 翻譯

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-04-06T11:25

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[必]工 作 量: 2503字
[必]工作報酬: 每中字0.7元
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 生物
[必]文件類型: 生物演化
[必]截 稿 日: 4/15
[必]應徵期限: 4/5 十一點
[必]聯絡方式: 站內信
[必]付費方式: 收稿後三日內付清
[選]工作要求: 對翻譯品質負責,不拖稿
[選]試 譯 文: Turtle's shell evolved from ribs and vertebrae that
flattened out and fused together, does more than keep the turtle safe from
bites. When a turtle hibernates, it buries itself in cold water for up to
five months. To survive, it has to change a lot of things about the way its
body works. Some processes, such as fat burning, go anaerobic — or without
oxygen — in a hibernating turtle. Anaerobic processes result in the build up
of lactic acid, and anyone who has seen Aliens knows that too much acid isn't
good for a body. The turtle's shell can not only store some lactic acid, but
release bicarbonates (baking soda to the acid's vinegar) into the turtle's
body. It's not just armor plating, it's a chemistry set.

[選]其他事項: 無


Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-04-06T19:27


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-04-05T15:37
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Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-04-05T14:03
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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-04-05T12:21
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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-04-05T02:13
謝謝各位的建言,一開始我已表示有落差會做調整,最後也不是以文中的報酬徵得,謝謝 ! [必]工 作 量:4/28 am 11:00 - pm 7:00(8小時) [必]工作報酬:2 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-04-05T00:47
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