1/字_筆_英譯中_法律 判例_約1200字 - 翻譯

By Steve
at 2014-04-09T19:46
at 2014-04-09T19:46
Table of Contents
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定: * YES ──
[必]工 作 量:1224字
[必]截 稿 日:20140410 17:00
[必]應徵期限:20140409 24:00
[必]付費方式:交稿後立即結清 ────────────────────────
4. California's contribution statutes do not preclude this court from
adopting comparative partial indemnity as a modification of the common law
equitable indemnity doctrine.
[8] None of the parties to the instant proceeding, and none of the numerous
amici who have filed briefs, seriously takes issue with our conclusion that a
rule of comparative partial indemnity is more consistent with the principles
underlying Li than the prior “all-or-nothing” indemnity doctrine.
[必]工 作 量:1224字
[必]截 稿 日:20140410 17:00
[必]應徵期限:20140409 24:00
[必]付費方式:交稿後立即結清 ────────────────────────
4. California's contribution statutes do not preclude this court from
adopting comparative partial indemnity as a modification of the common law
equitable indemnity doctrine.
[8] None of the parties to the instant proceeding, and none of the numerous
amici who have filed briefs, seriously takes issue with our conclusion that a
rule of comparative partial indemnity is more consistent with the principles
underlying Li than the prior “all-or-nothing” indemnity doctrine.
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