500元_文件潤飾_英英_教育_中_今日(12/18) - 翻譯

By Ula
at 2008-12-18T18:22
at 2008-12-18T18:22
Table of Contents
※ 引述《stila24 (老大不小哩~)》之銘言:
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: [選]參考段落:
: 4. What do you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses or developmental
: needs?
: Overall, she is a really good co-worker to me. If I have to give
: some advice on her development, I think she needs to develop the ability of
: leadership in order to deal with more complicated situations in her future.
: Public school is not as opened as other social settings. Being a good teacher
: to her is not a problem, however, being a future leader for higher position
: needs more learning. Thus, I am happy for her that she has alternative working
: experience since she had left my school. It is helpful for her to be more
: mature. Hopefully you will provide her with higher level interaction with
: educational contexts.
She is a really good worker. If I were to advise her, I would suggest for her
to develop further her leadership capability so that she would excel in
handling more complex situations; I am saying so because the public school
is a relatively simple environment compared to the "outside" world. She is
already an excellent teacher, and additional studies would help her become
a true leader in higher positions in the future. I am especially glad that
since her graduation she had obtained other non-school work experiences,
and I am happy to see that she has become quite self-assured in the process.
要小心,說「某人逐漸成熟」,尤其是用 mature 這個字,可能會帶來「啊,過去她很幼
: 試 譯 文:
: 我認識她五年了,她在2003年夏天,研究畢業後就來應徵,當時我們的學校才剛落成三年
: ,很需要有熱情的老師加入教學和研究團隊。因為她的試敎新奇有創意,把國文閱讀和寫
: 作敎的很有效果,因此她開始成為教師的ㄧ員。我們學校是個小學校,每個年級的班級數
: 不多,因此我和她時常討論教學和參與每天的會議
: 其他事項:無
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: [選]參考段落:
: 4. What do you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses or developmental
: needs?
: Overall, she is a really good co-worker to me. If I have to give
: some advice on her development, I think she needs to develop the ability of
: leadership in order to deal with more complicated situations in her future.
: Public school is not as opened as other social settings. Being a good teacher
: to her is not a problem, however, being a future leader for higher position
: needs more learning. Thus, I am happy for her that she has alternative working
: experience since she had left my school. It is helpful for her to be more
: mature. Hopefully you will provide her with higher level interaction with
: educational contexts.
She is a really good worker. If I were to advise her, I would suggest for her
to develop further her leadership capability so that she would excel in
handling more complex situations; I am saying so because the public school
is a relatively simple environment compared to the "outside" world. She is
already an excellent teacher, and additional studies would help her become
a true leader in higher positions in the future. I am especially glad that
since her graduation she had obtained other non-school work experiences,
and I am happy to see that she has become quite self-assured in the process.
要小心,說「某人逐漸成熟」,尤其是用 mature 這個字,可能會帶來「啊,過去她很幼
: 試 譯 文:
: 我認識她五年了,她在2003年夏天,研究畢業後就來應徵,當時我們的學校才剛落成三年
: ,很需要有熱情的老師加入教學和研究團隊。因為她的試敎新奇有創意,把國文閱讀和寫
: 作敎的很有效果,因此她開始成為教師的ㄧ員。我們學校是個小學校,每個年級的班級數
: 不多,因此我和她時常討論教學和參與每天的會議
: 其他事項:無
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