求指教 - 翻譯

By Sierra Rose
at 2009-07-30T23:54
at 2009-07-30T23:54
Table of Contents
最近幫家人翻一些商品上的標語, 但是很口語化, 神髓很難抓
求指教, 有什麼可改進的地方, 等我之後翻可以留意一下
Another bloody shower gel before another bloody boring day at work or another
bloody pricey night out on the town, use this refreshing gel. Lather up and
notice your belly button is a bloody odd shape and that your gym sessions
should be yielding better bloody results. Finally, see the time and think you
better get bloody moving.
一支糟透的淋浴乳, 引致糟透的一日或者在城鎮裡糟透的一個昂貴晚上, 快改用這支清新
的淋浴乳。塗上皂沬, 留意下你奇形怪狀的肚腩這是你健身課程糟透了的成果, 最後, 看
看時間, 快點行動吧!!
(我不明白belly button這前半句的用意)
p.s. found in homes, hotels and eerily deserted motels, (Mr. Bates, we notice
you haven’t re-ordered for a while) this gel will have you screaming for a
shower. Wash your torso, legs, arms, neck, buttocks…, but whatever sex you
are, never forget your Hitchcock.
P.S. 在家、酒店、異常乾旱的汽車旅館可以找到, (比茲先生, 我們注意到你有一段時間
沒有再點過了) 這支淋浴乳令你在洗澡中尖叫。清洗你的肢體, 腳、手、頸、臀部… 但
無論你多麼的性感, 另忘了你的希治閣。
(括號是笑點吧, 不過中譯表達不出來, Hitchcock 是什麼來的...)
求指教, 有什麼可改進的地方, 等我之後翻可以留意一下
Another bloody shower gel before another bloody boring day at work or another
bloody pricey night out on the town, use this refreshing gel. Lather up and
notice your belly button is a bloody odd shape and that your gym sessions
should be yielding better bloody results. Finally, see the time and think you
better get bloody moving.
一支糟透的淋浴乳, 引致糟透的一日或者在城鎮裡糟透的一個昂貴晚上, 快改用這支清新
的淋浴乳。塗上皂沬, 留意下你奇形怪狀的肚腩這是你健身課程糟透了的成果, 最後, 看
看時間, 快點行動吧!!
(我不明白belly button這前半句的用意)
p.s. found in homes, hotels and eerily deserted motels, (Mr. Bates, we notice
you haven’t re-ordered for a while) this gel will have you screaming for a
shower. Wash your torso, legs, arms, neck, buttocks…, but whatever sex you
are, never forget your Hitchcock.
P.S. 在家、酒店、異常乾旱的汽車旅館可以找到, (比茲先生, 我們注意到你有一段時間
沒有再點過了) 這支淋浴乳令你在洗澡中尖叫。清洗你的肢體, 腳、手、頸、臀部… 但
無論你多麼的性感, 另忘了你的希治閣。
(括號是笑點吧, 不過中譯表達不出來, Hitchcock 是什麼來的...)
All Comments

By Adele
at 2009-08-01T07:59
at 2009-08-01T07:59

By Elma
at 2009-08-06T07:37
at 2009-08-06T07:37

By Carolina Franco
at 2009-08-10T11:27
at 2009-08-10T11:27

By Heather
at 2009-08-15T01:38
at 2009-08-15T01:38

By Damian
at 2009-08-15T23:23
at 2009-08-15T23:23

By Delia
at 2009-08-17T18:59
at 2009-08-17T18:59

By Ida
at 2009-08-19T02:44
at 2009-08-19T02:44

By Rebecca
at 2009-08-23T08:54
at 2009-08-23T08:54

By Ida
at 2009-08-25T07:59
at 2009-08-25T07:59

By Emily
at 2009-08-28T11:24
at 2009-08-28T11:24
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