系所簡介翻譯 - 翻譯

By Valerie
at 2007-05-04T08:58
at 2007-05-04T08:58
Table of Contents
※ 引述《aiuia (Caramel Macchiato!)》之銘言:
: 我姊最近要去面試,
: 想要中英文都準備,
: 他給我看的時候...我發覺...
: 他的翻譯很奇怪, = =
: 請問有誰可以幫忙看一下嗎?改的口語一點...謝謝~~
: -----------------------------------------
: 本所未來走向將以實務研究為導向,強調以管理的知識
: 與技能應用在實際旅遊產業的經營問題探討與研究,
: 所以特別設立「業界導師」及「業界診斷實習」兩種機制,
: 以確保學生所學符合業界需求,使得學生未來碩士論文內容
: 能給予旅遊業界更實際的貢獻。
Our institute is reality-based. We insist on applying management knowledge
and skills to actual problems experienced by the tourism industry.
We set up "industry mentor" and "diagnostic practical training"
...[whatever that means]...
to ensure that what students are learning align with the true needs of the
industry, and their theses tackle the real problems and make concrete
: The future trend of our institute will regard
: studying in practice as the direction, emphasize
: and apply to the management problem of the
: real travel industry and probe into and
: study with the knowledge and skill of management,
: especially set up ' the form master of the
: industry "and two kinds of mechanisms that"
: the industry is diagnosed and practised ",
: so as to ensure students learn to accord
: with the industry demand, enable student's
: future master's thesis content to offer
: the contribution of the travel with more real industry.
: 「業界導師」是由本所從航空、休閒、旅運等業界
: 選出富有重望的高階管理者,在徵詢其意願後,
: 以提供學生就本身專業或未來發展方向作選擇,並與論文指導教授聯合指導。
: "industry form master" by our institute from aviation,
: recreation, travel industry of transporting etc.
: elect rich high-order administrator of expectations,
: after seeking and asking its will, by offering students
: to choose on one's own speciality or the future thrust,
: and unite guidance with the thesis counselor.
: ---------------------------------
: 以上是我姊傳給我的翻譯稿,
: 可是我對這些專有名詞完全不熟悉 = =
: 幫不上忙...
: 希望有板友可以幫忙看一下~~
: 非常感激~~~
: 我姊最近要去面試,
: 想要中英文都準備,
: 他給我看的時候...我發覺...
: 他的翻譯很奇怪, = =
: 請問有誰可以幫忙看一下嗎?改的口語一點...謝謝~~
: -----------------------------------------
: 本所未來走向將以實務研究為導向,強調以管理的知識
: 與技能應用在實際旅遊產業的經營問題探討與研究,
: 所以特別設立「業界導師」及「業界診斷實習」兩種機制,
: 以確保學生所學符合業界需求,使得學生未來碩士論文內容
: 能給予旅遊業界更實際的貢獻。
Our institute is reality-based. We insist on applying management knowledge
and skills to actual problems experienced by the tourism industry.
We set up "industry mentor" and "diagnostic practical training"
...[whatever that means]...
to ensure that what students are learning align with the true needs of the
industry, and their theses tackle the real problems and make concrete
: The future trend of our institute will regard
: studying in practice as the direction, emphasize
: and apply to the management problem of the
: real travel industry and probe into and
: study with the knowledge and skill of management,
: especially set up ' the form master of the
: industry "and two kinds of mechanisms that"
: the industry is diagnosed and practised ",
: so as to ensure students learn to accord
: with the industry demand, enable student's
: future master's thesis content to offer
: the contribution of the travel with more real industry.
: 「業界導師」是由本所從航空、休閒、旅運等業界
: 選出富有重望的高階管理者,在徵詢其意願後,
: 以提供學生就本身專業或未來發展方向作選擇,並與論文指導教授聯合指導。
: "industry form master" by our institute from aviation,
: recreation, travel industry of transporting etc.
: elect rich high-order administrator of expectations,
: after seeking and asking its will, by offering students
: to choose on one's own speciality or the future thrust,
: and unite guidance with the thesis counselor.
: ---------------------------------
: 以上是我姊傳給我的翻譯稿,
: 可是我對這些專有名詞完全不熟悉 = =
: 幫不上忙...
: 希望有板友可以幫忙看一下~~
: 非常感激~~~
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