美國道瓊新聞社徵特約記者一名。 - 翻譯

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-11-19T19:14

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※ [本文轉錄自 part-time 看板]

作者: carping (做人難,減肥亦難) 看板: part-time
標題: 美國道瓊新聞社徵特約記者一名。
時間: Sun Nov 19 19:14:00 2006

Dow Jones & Company is seeking an energetic reporter who'll work on a
contract basis for the Taipei bureau of Dow Jones Newswires, a leading
supplier of real-time news and market information to the worldwide
business and financial community.


Write news stories on companies and regional economic
and business developments, including daily coverage of Taiwan’s stock,
currency and bond markets. The successful candidate will also have
the opportunity to cover news events and interview company executives
for exclusive stories.


The idea candidate would have a solid understanding of
the world of business – or a keen desire and aptitude for learning
this subject area. Journalism training would be an advantage, while
fluency in both Mandarin and English is essential. You must be able to
work under pressure and meet tight deadlines, and eagerness to grow
and learn and team spirit are qualities we always look for.

Compensation package:

The salary completely depends on personal experience / background.

Please send resume with a cover letter to:

Bureau Chief

Dow Jones Newswires,
No. 209, Sung Kiang Road, Room 630,
Taipei 104, Taiwan ROC.

Or via e-mail to: [email protected]
and [email protected]

(We will only notify short-listed candidates, who will be asked to sit
in for a four-hour test)



Tags: 翻譯

All Comments


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-11-18T23:26
某外商的外包價目表, 單位and#34;應該and#34;是 NT/每個字, 其實 80% 以上重複的機率不會太高, TM 100%重複的部分, 不給或給很 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2006-11-18T18:16
麻煩請幫我看看 我這樣翻譯是否正確呢? 如果翻譯的太爛不要笑我拉^-^ A Study on the Psychological Reactions of the preschool teachers in Inclusive class (中文是:學前�� ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2006-11-18T10:25
在電影院裡看的字幕比DVD裡翻得要好很多。 我以為其實翻出來字幕應該要是一樣的。 還是說他們會找不同的譯者再翻一次?這樣不是要多花成本嗎? �� ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-11-17T16:42
請問一下這是關於什麼的軟體呢 板上有人會用嗎?? 今天有一個大陸人加入我的MSN請我幫他翻譯 但是他問我會不會用Trados 我查了一下網站看不大懂耶 有� ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-11-17T15:51
TM 100%重複的部分, 有的客戶給30%,有的才給10%,網友說台中還有譯社完全不給%的 不知業界常見的%數是多少?如不方便公開,請丟信件討論。 --