英譯中_more than cosmetic翻法 - 翻譯

By Lily
at 2008-09-21T17:53
at 2008-09-21T17:53
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Ecidnac (Is it you?)》之銘言:
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: 涉及語言:英譯中
: 議題主旨:論英國房貸振興方案
: 原文背景:經濟學人 Sep 4th 2008
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: 原 文:
: 標題:Not as wretched as the doomsters claim;
: but reviving the British economy will take time
: 內文:“THE nine most terrifying words in the English language”,
: Ronald Reagan is held to have said, “are: ‘I’m from the government
: and I’m here to help.’” If only Gordon Brown had listened.
: The prime minister’s plan, revealed on September 2nd, to keep
: Britain’s troubled £4 trillion ($7 trillion) housing market
: “moving forward” by advancing some £1.6 billion-worth of help to
: first-time buyers, purchasers of modest properties and homeowners struggling
: to meet their mortgage payments was never going to be more than cosmetic.
: In the event it mixed a few sensible ideas (faster help for those whose
: banks threaten to repossess their houses) with a few dotty ones
: (luring first-time buyers into a falling market). But the overall effect
: was minimal.
: 問者譯文:
: 標題:雖沒有像預言家所說的悲慘,但英國經濟的復興仍有漫漫長路要走
: 內文:據稱前美國總統雷根曾說:「英語中最嚇人的九個字是『我是從政府來幫忙的。』
: 」,但願英國首相戈登布朗有聽進去這段話。布朗在今年九月二日所頒布的一項計畫
: 將不會只是用來裝飾門面而已。該計畫擬提撥價值160萬英鎊的預算給新手購屋者、
: 小額房地產交易、以及房貸償還困難的屋主,期使陷入困境的英國4億房屋市場向前推進。
: 此方案中提出數項合理措施,如:快速協助遭銀行折回抵押房屋的民眾;
: 但其中也有較不合理的措施,如:吸引新手買家進入景氣低迷的房屋市場,
: 但總體而言的負面影響極小。
: 討論議題:
: 1.想請問was not going to be more than cosmetic如何翻才通順?
: 2.為了配合原文提到的"nice words"所以中文也湊了九個字不知是否有些牽強?
: 3.dotty與sensible對照來翻是不是有些奇怪?
: 4.整體流暢度(不好意思因為是新手翻得不好希望能獲得前輩的批評指教)
: ──────────────────────────────────────
雖不如悲觀人士所說的悲慘 但復興英國經濟仍待長期努力
『我是從政府來幫忙的 (I'm from the government and I'm here to help)』
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: 涉及語言:英譯中
: 議題主旨:論英國房貸振興方案
: 原文背景:經濟學人 Sep 4th 2008
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: 原 文:
: 標題:Not as wretched as the doomsters claim;
: but reviving the British economy will take time
: 內文:“THE nine most terrifying words in the English language”,
: Ronald Reagan is held to have said, “are: ‘I’m from the government
: and I’m here to help.’” If only Gordon Brown had listened.
: The prime minister’s plan, revealed on September 2nd, to keep
: Britain’s troubled £4 trillion ($7 trillion) housing market
: “moving forward” by advancing some £1.6 billion-worth of help to
: first-time buyers, purchasers of modest properties and homeowners struggling
: to meet their mortgage payments was never going to be more than cosmetic.
: In the event it mixed a few sensible ideas (faster help for those whose
: banks threaten to repossess their houses) with a few dotty ones
: (luring first-time buyers into a falling market). But the overall effect
: was minimal.
: 問者譯文:
: 標題:雖沒有像預言家所說的悲慘,但英國經濟的復興仍有漫漫長路要走
: 內文:據稱前美國總統雷根曾說:「英語中最嚇人的九個字是『我是從政府來幫忙的。』
: 」,但願英國首相戈登布朗有聽進去這段話。布朗在今年九月二日所頒布的一項計畫
: 將不會只是用來裝飾門面而已。該計畫擬提撥價值160萬英鎊的預算給新手購屋者、
: 小額房地產交易、以及房貸償還困難的屋主,期使陷入困境的英國4億房屋市場向前推進。
: 此方案中提出數項合理措施,如:快速協助遭銀行折回抵押房屋的民眾;
: 但其中也有較不合理的措施,如:吸引新手買家進入景氣低迷的房屋市場,
: 但總體而言的負面影響極小。
: 討論議題:
: 1.想請問was not going to be more than cosmetic如何翻才通順?
: 2.為了配合原文提到的"nice words"所以中文也湊了九個字不知是否有些牽強?
: 3.dotty與sensible對照來翻是不是有些奇怪?
: 4.整體流暢度(不好意思因為是新手翻得不好希望能獲得前輩的批評指教)
: ──────────────────────────────────────
雖不如悲觀人士所說的悲慘 但復興英國經濟仍待長期努力
『我是從政府來幫忙的 (I'm from the government and I'm here to help)』
All Comments

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