運動方面的外電翻譯~ - 翻譯

George avatar
By George
at 2006-08-17T12:05

Table of Contents


1.a 6-foot-7 right-handed pitcher with an odd delivery:這邊的意思並不是指投手
的投球能力,是指Weaver 有著奇特的投球姿勢


3.Weaver became the first pitcher to win his first eight decisions since
Livan Hernandez in 1997:這裡的意思並不是單純的八連勝,因為Weaver 是新人,本季是他
第一個大聯盟球季,"win his first eight decisions" 是指Weaver 在生涯前八次與勝敗
相關的比賽中,都拿下了勝投.這句話不太好處理,因為"eight decisions" 不等於"eight
games",Weaver 本季出賽了11場,其中3場無關勝負,其餘皆拿下勝投

4.my pitch count in the first couple innings wasn't where I wanted it to be.
這裡的pitch count 指的是投球數,first couple innings 指的是前兩局,Weaver 的意

5.I was just trying to get a feel for the hitters and how their swings are on
my ball
Weaver 應該不會想讓球正中打者的球棒,畢竟一般來說,投手都是希望打者打不到球吧
"how their swings are on my ball" 應該是指他在思考打者會如何出棒打他的球

您文中提到其它的問題 ,我一時也想不到有更好的說法,就看有沒有其它高手可以提供了

※ 引述《ycceltic (居爾特 ~ (g))》之銘言:
: 最近被人問到這類問題,我自己取幾段試翻,不知道有沒有高手可以幫我看看那兒需要
: 修正? 另外比如說我在cnn news看到一則外電report,我要如何知道他們的正確翻法?
: 是否有類似的magazine或newspaper有其英翻中的解說?例如本篇在談洋基和天使隊的賽
: 局進行,很多美式用法是要上那兒查?有些字典or google沒有用法時,各位都怎麼解決
: ? 翻好拿去給老師看??
: 以下是試譯:
: (1)NEW YORK - As if the New York Yankees didn't have enough to worry about when
: they step on the field with the Angels, now there's this: The Angels
: unsheathed their latest weapon, a 6-foot-7 right-handed pitcher with an odd
: delivery and a mountain of bravado.
: 紐約外電-正當洋基隊以輕鬆無懼的心情迎戰天使隊時,天使隊秀出了他們最新的武器-一
: 個有著身高六呎七吋,具備完美投球能力及冒險精神的右投手準備出面迎戰。
: (2)Simi Valley's Jered Weaver just tapped into a deep vein of Angels confidence
: against the Yankees, holding them down for six innings Sunday in a 5-3
: victory at Yankee Stadium. Weaver became the first pitcher to win his first
: eight decisions since Livan Hernandez in 1997.
: Weaver對天使隊有信心可以擊敗洋基隊,會在周日的洋基隊球場上,以主投六局、終場5
: 比3取得勝利。Weaver 是在1997年以來,繼Livan Hernan-dez之後第一位拿下個人八連勝
: 的投手。
: **tapped into a deep vein...我查不到正確意思,只是以文推測,不知正確用法為何?
: (3)Weaver dissected the game with clinical poise afterward, much as he pitches.
: "Obviously, my pitch count in the first couple innings wasn't where I wanted
: it to be. I was just trying to get a feel for the hitters and how their
: swings are on my ball," he said. "Things like that kind of got in the back of
: my head."
: 賽後Weaver很鎮定地分析這場比賽,比起他在場上投擲時更為專注。
: 很顯然在第一輪,我的投球不如我預料中的順利。「我試著捉住擊球員的感覺,想著如何
: 讓我的球正中他們的球棒」,Weaver說,「像這樣的事一直在我腦海中盤旋。」
: **這邊的clinical poise及got in the back of my head挺難翻的,有人有更好的翻法嗎
: ?

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2006-08-20T12:41


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2006-08-17T02:21
最近被人問到這類問題,我自己取幾段試翻,不知道有沒有高手可以幫我看看那兒需要 修正? 另外比如說我在cnn news看到一則外電report,我要如何知道�� ...

討論"love hotel"的翻法

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-08-17T01:34
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Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-08-17T00:35
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Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-08-16T20:54
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