0.7/字_英譯英_報告_7000字_20151121 - 翻譯

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-11-22T00:48

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[必]工 作 量: 7000字
[必]截 稿 日:11/28早上(臺灣時間)
[必]聯絡方式:站內信,或[email protected]
[必]付費方式:預付500訂金 完稿後2天內付完尾款

[選]試 譯 文:(如果沒有附上作品才需要,剛剛不好意思一時沒看清楚,

Uniqlo is a multiple case; it has hierarchical institutions
to manage its store managers, but also decreases the power distance of local
stores, and shared the decision-making right with the store managers.
Different from other Japanese companies,
Uniqlo prefers to use the young people as store managers.
According to the statistic which announced by Uniqlo in 2013,
the average age of Uniqlo managers is 28.
Yanai Tadashi trusts that the young managers will be more creative
and can build up good connection with their subordinates easily.
Traditional Japanese enterprises are hierarchical and collectivism-oriented.
(Keys and Miller, 1984; Smith and Misumi, 1989).

Likewise traditional Japanese enterprises,
Uniqlo also has the stable and in the organization.
But in certain extent, the high level managers share the authority
to the middle managers.
The direct evidence is the appointment and removal policy.
The power of appointment of new managers belongs to Japanese headquarter,
but the power of appointment of entry-level employees belongs to store managers.
[選]其他事項: 希望提供自己的作品和學經歷給我參考


Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-11-26T08:18
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2015-11-28T23:30

英譯中 字數換算

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2015-11-21T01:02
想請問各位譯者,對於英譯中的字數是怎麼算的 是算原文字數還是算中文字數 原po接到了一個案子,譯完了之後,案主匯完款才發現跟我以原文計算出� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-11-20T17:45
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定:YES * 如已讀過,請填 YES * 如未讀過,請讀過再重新發文。未填視為未�� ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2015-11-20T14:58
已徵到,謝謝來信! ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工 作 量:12/3 14:00~17:00 12/4 09:00~17:0 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-11-19T21:28
────────────────────────────────────── [必]工 作 量:12:00-3:00 約3小時 [必]工作報酬 : 1800 [必]涉及語言�� ...

1.5/字 筆 中譯英 申請交換 1112字 2015/11/20

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-11-19T15:59
[必]我已經讀過且瞭解置底版規、費率、發文必讀公告,並願意遵守規定:YES * 如已讀過,請填 YES * 如未讀過,請讀過再重新發文。未填視為未�� ...