0.8/字_英譯中_文件_4300字_20130715 - 翻譯
![Zenobia avatar](/img/cat1.jpg)
By Zenobia
at 2013-07-11T21:45
at 2013-07-11T21:45
Table of Contents
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[必]工 作 量: 4389字
[必]工作報酬: 0.8/字
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 設計
[必]文件類型: 一般敘述短文
[必]截 稿 日: 20130715
[必]應徵期限: 20130711
[必]聯絡方式: 站內信
[必]付費方式: 交稿後三天內付清
[選]試 譯 文:(100-200字,並不超過全文1/10。嚴禁私下試譯。若未提供請勿刪除)
Collaboration can shift from a hush to a scream in a moment.
When teams are flaring, or generating ideas they might be physically standing,
moving around, and building things. When terms are focusing they will often be
gathered tightly in a grounp or circled around displays of artifacts and
information.Charting the changes in behavior is an excellent approach to
tailoring resources: eachh action offers a clue.
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