BBC國家檔案8 - 翻譯

By George
at 2006-12-10T00:01
at 2006-12-10T00:01
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Kalovi (沉潛~新竹蒙難記)》之銘言:
: 1.Colonel Gaddafi's revolution has been based largely on distinguishing his
: country from the world around it.
: 格達費上校的國內革命和周遭的全球國家大大不同。
... be based on distinguishing sth from sth.
What he wanted to distinguish was his country, not his revolution.
BTW, what's the "周遭的全球國家"?
Depends on the context, the "world" here might be the countries around Lybia
or all other countries on Earth.
: 2.A staunch Arab nationalist, Col Gaddafi's attempts to forge unity with other
: Arab states met with little success.
: 堅定的阿拉伯國家主義信奉者-格達費試圖和其他阿拉伯國家統合卻收效甚微。
: 3.The external radio service was renamed the Voice of Africa in October 1998,
: to reflect Libya's change in political orientation towards Africa and away
: from the Middle East and Arab world.
: 98年10月國外廣播頻道被重新命名為非洲之聲,由此看出利比亞的政治定位由中東和阿拉
: 伯世界轉向非洲的改變。
: 4.In the Middle Ages Mauritania was the cradle of the Almoravid movement, which
: spread Islam throughout the region and for a while controlled the Islamic
: part of Spain.
: 中古期的茅利塔尼亞是xx運動的搖籃之地,由此散播回教信仰且一度支配了西班牙部份的
: 回教信仰。
: 5.Groomed for "kingship", as his late father King Hassan II referred to his
: upbringing, Mohammed VI became monarch in 1999.
: 默罕穆德六世被已故父王哈山二世提到要栽培他準備接位,99年就繼位為王。
默罕穆德六世在其先父哈山二世國王口中的「帝王教育」下成長,並於 1999 年登基。
: 6.Bomb attacks in Casablanca in 2003 prompted the enactment of new
: anti-terrorism laws and a reinvigorated campaign against extremists.
: 2003年卡薩布蘭加的炸彈攻擊促使頒布反恐新法和重新打擊極端分子。
: 8.Satellite dishes are widely used, giving access to a range of foreign TV
: stations.
: 衛星電視廣泛的使用使得一些國外電視台得以就近利用。
: 9.The country has so far been spared the militant Islamist violence that has
: plagued some of its neighbours.
: 該國至今還是免不了軍事回教分子的暴力威脅,也為部份鄰國帶來災難。
You reversed the meaning. Read the text again.
: 10.It declared its independence after following suit with Bahrain and refusing
: to join the United Arab Emirates.
: 跟進巴林後它宣佈獨立並拒絕加入阿拉伯聯合大公國。
You didn't tranlsate the "suit." Qatar filed a suit with Bahrain before its
independence. What does the "跟進巴林" mean?
: 11.Oil money funds an all-embracing welfare state, with many services being
: free or heavily subsidised.
: 石油帶來的財富為所有福利國家提供資金,眾服務業免稅或有很多補助。
There's only one state, where are the "所有國家"? The text actually says
that the welfare system of this country covers many areas. By the way,
many services means "many" not "all", hence you shouldn't use "眾".
: 12.One of the most devout and insular countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia
: has emerged from being an underdeveloped desert kingdom to become one of the
: wealthiest nations in the region thanks to vast oil resources.
: 沙烏地阿拉伯本是中東最虔誠和孤立的國家之一,拜豐富的石油資源所賜,它從未開發的
: 沙漠王國搖身一變為中東最富有的國家之一。
better use "與世隔絕 instead of "孤立".
[Saudi Arabia]
: 13.The Saudi authorities were further torn between their natural instincts to
: step up internal security and pressure to allow a greater degree of
: democracy.
: 沙烏地當局因為要本著原來作為強化國安或允許進一步的民主之壓力而加深分歧。
I cannot understand your Chinese.
[Saudi Arabia]
: 15.He is seen as being untainted by corruption - giving credibility to his
: drive to stamp it out - and to favour reforms which are balanced with a respect
: for Saudi traditions.
: 他被認為是政治的白紙一張,得到信任以著手反貪腐並在遵守沙烏地傳統下贊成改革。
I don't think the text implied this. It simply says that he was not corrupted.
[Saudi Arabia]
: 16.Newspapers tend to follow the lead of the state-run news agency on whether
: or not to publish stories on sensitive subjects.
: 報紙易於遵守國營新聞機構的規範來視情況發佈敏感議題的內容。
[Saudi Arabia]
: 17.Many internet users are said to be women, possibly a result of restrictions
: on their movements.
: 很多網路使用者是女性,可能是他們活動受限所使然。
她 所致。
[Saudi Arabia]
: 18.With the return of millions of displaced southerners, there is a pressing
: need for reconstruction.
: 隨著數百萬計的南方遊民歸來,重建的需要迫在眉睫。
: 20.Omar al-Bashir joined the army as a young man and rose through the ranks.
: 歐瑪.阿巴夏爾年輕就從軍了並逐步升官。
: 21.Following the death of Hafez al-Assad, Syria underwent a degree of
: relaxation.
: 在哈菲茲.阿沙德死後,敘利亞一度得到休養生息。
Why say "一度"?
: 22.The granting of real political freedoms and a shake-up of the
: state-dominated economy have not materialised.
: 真正允准政治自由和國家主導經濟的整頓還未實現。
: 24.Shy and private, he was brought up outside the political spotlight,seemingly
: destined for a quiet life.
: 靦腆、不談私事的他在政治鎂光燈外長大,表面上是註定要過著安靜的生活。
聚光燈 似乎註定將過著安靜的生活。
: 26.Press codes shape coverage and stipulate large fines and prison sentences
: for violators.
: 新聞法規範報導並規定對違法者處以龐大罰金和徒刑。
It would be better to use "鉅額" instead of using "龐大"
: 27.Chic hotels and skyscrapers are emblematic of cities such as Abu Dhabi and
: cosmopolitan Dubai.
: 別緻飯店和摩天大樓是阿布達比和世界性的杜哈這些城市的象徵。
[United Arab Emirates]
: 30.He is backed by the main pillars of power in Yemen, the tribe and the army.
: 他有葉門包括部落和軍隊等主要力量的支柱當靠山。
: 以上,
: 請指教!
: thx~
In general, I would suggest you to "REVIEW" and "RE-CONSIDER" your translation
before any posting, read your translation like a Chinese (or Taiwanese) and
change any wordings that are hard to understand. Making mistakes is human
nature, submitting indigestible translation for read/review is a felony.
By the way, next time, if you want to translate BBS's country profile, please
translate information related to "1" country only and translate a complete
paragraph whenever possible. Don't pick and translate sentences randomly.
I don't think your readers will enjoy Russian Roulette type of practice like
you do. It's painful to review your translation, because I have to check
many countries' profiles to build the context for my judgement.
Have you ever noticed that none ever commented on your translation? It didn't
mean your translation was perfect. And I believe that no one would review your
translation if you keep posting articles like the one I reviewed.
: 1.Colonel Gaddafi's revolution has been based largely on distinguishing his
: country from the world around it.
: 格達費上校的國內革命和周遭的全球國家大大不同。
... be based on distinguishing sth from sth.
What he wanted to distinguish was his country, not his revolution.
BTW, what's the "周遭的全球國家"?
Depends on the context, the "world" here might be the countries around Lybia
or all other countries on Earth.
: 2.A staunch Arab nationalist, Col Gaddafi's attempts to forge unity with other
: Arab states met with little success.
: 堅定的阿拉伯國家主義信奉者-格達費試圖和其他阿拉伯國家統合卻收效甚微。
: 3.The external radio service was renamed the Voice of Africa in October 1998,
: to reflect Libya's change in political orientation towards Africa and away
: from the Middle East and Arab world.
: 98年10月國外廣播頻道被重新命名為非洲之聲,由此看出利比亞的政治定位由中東和阿拉
: 伯世界轉向非洲的改變。
: 4.In the Middle Ages Mauritania was the cradle of the Almoravid movement, which
: spread Islam throughout the region and for a while controlled the Islamic
: part of Spain.
: 中古期的茅利塔尼亞是xx運動的搖籃之地,由此散播回教信仰且一度支配了西班牙部份的
: 回教信仰。
: 5.Groomed for "kingship", as his late father King Hassan II referred to his
: upbringing, Mohammed VI became monarch in 1999.
: 默罕穆德六世被已故父王哈山二世提到要栽培他準備接位,99年就繼位為王。
默罕穆德六世在其先父哈山二世國王口中的「帝王教育」下成長,並於 1999 年登基。
: 6.Bomb attacks in Casablanca in 2003 prompted the enactment of new
: anti-terrorism laws and a reinvigorated campaign against extremists.
: 2003年卡薩布蘭加的炸彈攻擊促使頒布反恐新法和重新打擊極端分子。
: 8.Satellite dishes are widely used, giving access to a range of foreign TV
: stations.
: 衛星電視廣泛的使用使得一些國外電視台得以就近利用。
: 9.The country has so far been spared the militant Islamist violence that has
: plagued some of its neighbours.
: 該國至今還是免不了軍事回教分子的暴力威脅,也為部份鄰國帶來災難。
You reversed the meaning. Read the text again.
: 10.It declared its independence after following suit with Bahrain and refusing
: to join the United Arab Emirates.
: 跟進巴林後它宣佈獨立並拒絕加入阿拉伯聯合大公國。
You didn't tranlsate the "suit." Qatar filed a suit with Bahrain before its
independence. What does the "跟進巴林" mean?
: 11.Oil money funds an all-embracing welfare state, with many services being
: free or heavily subsidised.
: 石油帶來的財富為所有福利國家提供資金,眾服務業免稅或有很多補助。
There's only one state, where are the "所有國家"? The text actually says
that the welfare system of this country covers many areas. By the way,
many services means "many" not "all", hence you shouldn't use "眾".
: 12.One of the most devout and insular countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia
: has emerged from being an underdeveloped desert kingdom to become one of the
: wealthiest nations in the region thanks to vast oil resources.
: 沙烏地阿拉伯本是中東最虔誠和孤立的國家之一,拜豐富的石油資源所賜,它從未開發的
: 沙漠王國搖身一變為中東最富有的國家之一。
better use "與世隔絕 instead of "孤立".
[Saudi Arabia]
: 13.The Saudi authorities were further torn between their natural instincts to
: step up internal security and pressure to allow a greater degree of
: democracy.
: 沙烏地當局因為要本著原來作為強化國安或允許進一步的民主之壓力而加深分歧。
I cannot understand your Chinese.
[Saudi Arabia]
: 15.He is seen as being untainted by corruption - giving credibility to his
: drive to stamp it out - and to favour reforms which are balanced with a respect
: for Saudi traditions.
: 他被認為是政治的白紙一張,得到信任以著手反貪腐並在遵守沙烏地傳統下贊成改革。
I don't think the text implied this. It simply says that he was not corrupted.
[Saudi Arabia]
: 16.Newspapers tend to follow the lead of the state-run news agency on whether
: or not to publish stories on sensitive subjects.
: 報紙易於遵守國營新聞機構的規範來視情況發佈敏感議題的內容。
[Saudi Arabia]
: 17.Many internet users are said to be women, possibly a result of restrictions
: on their movements.
: 很多網路使用者是女性,可能是他們活動受限所使然。
她 所致。
[Saudi Arabia]
: 18.With the return of millions of displaced southerners, there is a pressing
: need for reconstruction.
: 隨著數百萬計的南方遊民歸來,重建的需要迫在眉睫。
: 20.Omar al-Bashir joined the army as a young man and rose through the ranks.
: 歐瑪.阿巴夏爾年輕就從軍了並逐步升官。
: 21.Following the death of Hafez al-Assad, Syria underwent a degree of
: relaxation.
: 在哈菲茲.阿沙德死後,敘利亞一度得到休養生息。
Why say "一度"?
: 22.The granting of real political freedoms and a shake-up of the
: state-dominated economy have not materialised.
: 真正允准政治自由和國家主導經濟的整頓還未實現。
: 24.Shy and private, he was brought up outside the political spotlight,seemingly
: destined for a quiet life.
: 靦腆、不談私事的他在政治鎂光燈外長大,表面上是註定要過著安靜的生活。
聚光燈 似乎註定將過著安靜的生活。
: 26.Press codes shape coverage and stipulate large fines and prison sentences
: for violators.
: 新聞法規範報導並規定對違法者處以龐大罰金和徒刑。
It would be better to use "鉅額" instead of using "龐大"
: 27.Chic hotels and skyscrapers are emblematic of cities such as Abu Dhabi and
: cosmopolitan Dubai.
: 別緻飯店和摩天大樓是阿布達比和世界性的杜哈這些城市的象徵。
[United Arab Emirates]
: 30.He is backed by the main pillars of power in Yemen, the tribe and the army.
: 他有葉門包括部落和軍隊等主要力量的支柱當靠山。
: 以上,
: 請指教!
: thx~
In general, I would suggest you to "REVIEW" and "RE-CONSIDER" your translation
before any posting, read your translation like a Chinese (or Taiwanese) and
change any wordings that are hard to understand. Making mistakes is human
nature, submitting indigestible translation for read/review is a felony.
By the way, next time, if you want to translate BBS's country profile, please
translate information related to "1" country only and translate a complete
paragraph whenever possible. Don't pick and translate sentences randomly.
I don't think your readers will enjoy Russian Roulette type of practice like
you do. It's painful to review your translation, because I have to check
many countries' profiles to build the context for my judgement.
Have you ever noticed that none ever commented on your translation? It didn't
mean your translation was perfect. And I believe that no one would review your
translation if you keep posting articles like the one I reviewed.
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