Friendship - 翻譯

By George
at 2009-02-20T20:05
at 2009-02-20T20:05
Table of Contents
A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul.
(按: Friend"ship",所以是船。)
(又按: 我從小就很想寫一次 "按" 試試看)
The sea was calm and the sky was blue; 海面波紋不起,天空蔚藍如洗,
Merrily, merrily sailed we two. 好開心~好開心~我倆揚帆出港。
(High barometer maketh glad.) (高氣壓就是好心情~)
On the tipsy ship, with a dreadful shout, 船像醉漢巔簸,發出淒厲怒吼,
The tempest descended and we fell out. 暴風降臨,讓我們翻船落海。
(O the walking is nasty bad!) (噢這次遠足真掃興!)
—Armit Huff Bettle
桃樂絲: 可是, 如果你沒有頭腦, 為什麼會說話?
稻草人: ㄝ, 我也不知... 但是有些人沒有頭腦也能說超~多話呢。
A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul.
(按: Friend"ship",所以是船。)
(又按: 我從小就很想寫一次 "按" 試試看)
The sea was calm and the sky was blue; 海面波紋不起,天空蔚藍如洗,
Merrily, merrily sailed we two. 好開心~好開心~我倆揚帆出港。
(High barometer maketh glad.) (高氣壓就是好心情~)
On the tipsy ship, with a dreadful shout, 船像醉漢巔簸,發出淒厲怒吼,
The tempest descended and we fell out. 暴風降臨,讓我們翻船落海。
(O the walking is nasty bad!) (噢這次遠足真掃興!)
—Armit Huff Bettle
桃樂絲: 可是, 如果你沒有頭腦, 為什麼會說話?
稻草人: ㄝ, 我也不知... 但是有些人沒有頭腦也能說超~多話呢。
All Comments

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at 2009-02-24T23:13
at 2009-02-24T23:13

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at 2009-02-25T11:08
at 2009-02-25T11:08

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at 2009-03-03T03:59
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