infrastructure和cohesion - 翻譯

By Jacob
at 2010-08-11T12:05
at 2010-08-11T12:05
Table of Contents
裡面有幾個常出現的字 不知道該怎麼翻比較好
我之前翻"基礎設施" 編輯告訴我 這樣翻太過生硬 叫我重想 改過之後再給她
她說 這個文件要翻得越通俗流暢越好 學究氣不要那麼重
基礎建設 基本設施 硬體設施 硬體環境....
但好像還是讀起來很生硬 囧rz
This manual describes the steps required to create a bicycle-friendly
infrastructure. Chapter 1 contains a brief description of the role of the
bicycle, the importance of integral thinking and the process surrounding
cycling policy. Actual design backgrounds are discussed in chapter 2, which
looks at bicycle/cyclist system, the characteristics of cyclists and the
resulting design requirements. The chapter concludes with the five widely
known main requirements for a bicycle-friendly infrastructure, which can
briefly be expressed as cohesion, directness, safety, comfort, and
attractiveness. These aspects still forms the main theme in this revised
design manual.
文句不難理解 一直出現的就是bicycle-friendly infrastructure
我目前重譯是改成 打造一個"對自行車友善的硬體環境" (聽起來依舊生硬..)
感覺起來包含了單車道 路標 綠地 號誌 接駁 停車位 等等....
這些東西都需要好好設計規劃 才能讓單車騎士感覺到舒適又親切 (類似這種意思)
因為文中還有另一個字是facilities 也有設備 設施的涵義 (如 parking facilities)
如果也把infrastructure 譯成設施 是不是會和facilities搞混?
另一個有疑義的字是cohesion 這個字也是很難翻....(上面那段文章有出現)
凝聚力? 向心力? 團結? 內聚感? 由內而發的吸引力? 緊密感? 連貫性?
A second development was the construction of cycle tracks for recreational use
from the fifties onwards. These were separate cycle tracks in attractive
recreational areas, which were built with the aid of specific grants. Cohesion
with the 'utilitarian' cycle tracks was not a goal in itself and was even
excluded from the grant system.
這段應該是講 拿補助款在休閒景點蓋單車道的事
這邊的cohesion 不知怎麼翻比較好
還請高手們指點 感激不盡~
All Comments

By Lydia
at 2010-08-15T13:08
at 2010-08-15T13:08

By Daniel
at 2010-08-19T07:34
at 2010-08-19T07:34

By Xanthe
at 2010-08-22T19:51
at 2010-08-22T19:51

By Rae
at 2010-08-24T19:59
at 2010-08-24T19:59

By Zora
at 2010-08-28T11:07
at 2010-08-28T11:07

By Valerie
at 2010-08-29T04:16
at 2010-08-29T04:16

By Enid
at 2010-08-29T14:51
at 2010-08-29T14:51

By Xanthe
at 2010-09-02T23:35
at 2010-09-02T23:35

By Margaret
at 2010-09-05T06:06
at 2010-09-05T06:06

By Rosalind
at 2010-09-09T12:13
at 2010-09-09T12:13

By Bennie
at 2010-09-12T20:45
at 2010-09-12T20:45

By William
at 2010-09-16T05:52
at 2010-09-16T05:52

By Zora
at 2010-09-18T15:38
at 2010-09-18T15:38

By Olga
at 2010-09-22T22:34
at 2010-09-22T22:34

By Bennie
at 2010-09-25T17:44
at 2010-09-25T17:44

By Selena
at 2010-09-29T15:31
at 2010-09-29T15:31

By Robert
at 2010-10-04T03:51
at 2010-10-04T03:51

By Steve
at 2010-10-07T16:16
at 2010-10-07T16:16
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at 2010-08-07T03:56
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fair enough的用法

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