Re: 想請教這篇短文(50字)翻譯是否正確 - 翻譯

By Franklin
at 2010-04-24T00:23
at 2010-04-24T00:23
Table of Contents
First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit our factory today. Were
you satisfied with the brief introduction and factory visit? I apologize if
there was anything you're unsatisfied with and welcome your comments on the
matter. If you have any questions regarding our company, feel free to send me
an e-mail or give me a call. Let's have a meal together next time when we
are both free.
Colloquial and understandable? ^.^
※ 引述《bubblestar (夏之星~閃耀的星星~)》之銘言:
: 我很努力把中文翻成英文~想請各位高手簡單看一下~是否有沒有錯誤?
: 謝謝~
: __________________________________________________
: 首先很感謝您今天百忙之中抽空到我們工廠參觀 不知道今天對您所做的簡介及工廠參觀是否滿意 若是有做的不好的地方 還敬請見諒
: 如果對我們公司還有任何問題 都歡迎寫信或是打電話給我
: 當然下次有更充裕的時間 可以一起吃個飯
: First of all, thanks you for visiting our company today. I’m not sure will you satisfied our promotion for you today or not. I apologize if there are something not enough.
: If you have any problem with our company, welcome you to send me an e-mail or call me.
: Maybe if you have free time, I wish we can have a meal together.
you satisfied with the brief introduction and factory visit? I apologize if
there was anything you're unsatisfied with and welcome your comments on the
matter. If you have any questions regarding our company, feel free to send me
an e-mail or give me a call. Let's have a meal together next time when we
are both free.
Colloquial and understandable? ^.^
※ 引述《bubblestar (夏之星~閃耀的星星~)》之銘言:
: 我很努力把中文翻成英文~想請各位高手簡單看一下~是否有沒有錯誤?
: 謝謝~
: __________________________________________________
: 首先很感謝您今天百忙之中抽空到我們工廠參觀 不知道今天對您所做的簡介及工廠參觀是否滿意 若是有做的不好的地方 還敬請見諒
: 如果對我們公司還有任何問題 都歡迎寫信或是打電話給我
: 當然下次有更充裕的時間 可以一起吃個飯
: First of all, thanks you for visiting our company today. I’m not sure will you satisfied our promotion for you today or not. I apologize if there are something not enough.
: If you have any problem with our company, welcome you to send me an e-mail or call me.
: Maybe if you have free time, I wish we can have a meal together.
All Comments

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