Re: 歌詞中英對照 (Rock of Ages, cleft for me) - 翻譯

By Rae
at 2010-04-21T12:27
at 2010-04-21T12:27
Table of Contents
據說1866年英國蒸汽輪倫敦號(SS London)遇難時,兩百多名乘客漂浮在海面上,
齊聲高唱此詩,最後獲救僅十九人耳,亦云慘矣。 (英語演唱) (國語演唱,請點play) (台語演唱,請點play)(二版本)
(國語歌詞) (台語歌詞)
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 永久磐石為我開 替我打破石磐身
Let me hide myself in Thee; 讓我藏身在你懷 予我匿佇你內面
Let the water and the blood, 願你所流血與水 你受槍插腋下開
From Thy wounded side which flowed, 兩面醫治我的罪 孔嘴流出血與水
Be of sin the double cure; 使我得救能脫離 二項功效我攏愛
Save from wrath and make me pure. 罪的刑罰與能力 赦罪洗心除惡事
Not the labor of my hands 縱我雙手不罷休 我雖然盡力服勞
Can fulfill Thy law's demands; 不能滿足你要求 豈能守法到一半
Could my zeal no respite know, 縱我眼淚永遠流 雖是慇勤沒厭懶
Could my tears forever flow, 縱我熱心能持久 眼淚常流心不安
All for sin could not atone; 這些不足贖愆尤 靠這攏不贖我罪
Thou must save, and Thou alone. 必須你來施拯救 只有救主耶穌能
Nothing in my hand I bring, 空空兩手無代價 我旦空手來就近
Simply to the cross I cling; 單單投靠你十架 十字架下求施恩
Naked, come to Thee for dress; 赤身就你求衣衫 赤體望你賜衣常
Helpless look to Thee for grace; 無助望你賜恩典 軟弱望你肯培養
Foul, I to the fountain fly; 污穢飛奔你泉旁 污穢進到活泉邊
Wash me, Savior, or I die. 主阿洗我否則亡 求你洗我都清氣
While I draw this fleeting breath, 當我此生年日逝 或是世上在渡活
When mine eyes shall close in death, 當我臨終閉目時 或是臨終目合倚
When I soar to worlds unknown, 當我飛進永世間 末日神魂離地面
See Thee on Thy judgment throne, 當我到你寶座前 看你坐位判萬民
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 永久磐石為我開 替我打破石磐身
Let me hide myself in Thee. 讓我藏身在你懷 予我匿佇你內面
齊聲高唱此詩,最後獲救僅十九人耳,亦云慘矣。 (英語演唱) (國語演唱,請點play) (台語演唱,請點play)(二版本)
(國語歌詞) (台語歌詞)
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 永久磐石為我開 替我打破石磐身
Let me hide myself in Thee; 讓我藏身在你懷 予我匿佇你內面
Let the water and the blood, 願你所流血與水 你受槍插腋下開
From Thy wounded side which flowed, 兩面醫治我的罪 孔嘴流出血與水
Be of sin the double cure; 使我得救能脫離 二項功效我攏愛
Save from wrath and make me pure. 罪的刑罰與能力 赦罪洗心除惡事
Not the labor of my hands 縱我雙手不罷休 我雖然盡力服勞
Can fulfill Thy law's demands; 不能滿足你要求 豈能守法到一半
Could my zeal no respite know, 縱我眼淚永遠流 雖是慇勤沒厭懶
Could my tears forever flow, 縱我熱心能持久 眼淚常流心不安
All for sin could not atone; 這些不足贖愆尤 靠這攏不贖我罪
Thou must save, and Thou alone. 必須你來施拯救 只有救主耶穌能
Nothing in my hand I bring, 空空兩手無代價 我旦空手來就近
Simply to the cross I cling; 單單投靠你十架 十字架下求施恩
Naked, come to Thee for dress; 赤身就你求衣衫 赤體望你賜衣常
Helpless look to Thee for grace; 無助望你賜恩典 軟弱望你肯培養
Foul, I to the fountain fly; 污穢飛奔你泉旁 污穢進到活泉邊
Wash me, Savior, or I die. 主阿洗我否則亡 求你洗我都清氣
While I draw this fleeting breath, 當我此生年日逝 或是世上在渡活
When mine eyes shall close in death, 當我臨終閉目時 或是臨終目合倚
When I soar to worlds unknown, 當我飛進永世間 末日神魂離地面
See Thee on Thy judgment throne, 當我到你寶座前 看你坐位判萬民
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 永久磐石為我開 替我打破石磐身
Let me hide myself in Thee. 讓我藏身在你懷 予我匿佇你內面
All Comments

By Rebecca
at 2010-04-22T17:43
at 2010-04-22T17:43
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