中國對日本 - 翻譯

By Lily
at 2005-07-06T23:32
at 2005-07-06T23:32
Table of Contents
※ 引述《nancy093 (好晚)》之銘言:
: 1.There is little affection between Asia's economic titans.
: Japan lobbies Europe and Russia not to sell advanced weapons
: to China's military; China opposes Japan's aspirations to a
: seat on the United Nations Security Council. China gets angry
: at Japan's friendly relations with Taiwan; Japan wonders why
: it is giving aid to a nation that has a program to put a man
: on the moon.
: 在亞洲經濟體間產生了一點影響,日本遊說歐洲和俄國不要賣先進
Q1.:改為"激起了一波漣漪"?因為affection的確有影響的意思 還是
: 武器給中國軍隊;中國反對日本想在聯合國安全理事會取得席位的
: 事;中國對於日本和台灣的友好關係感到憤怒;日本思索為何要幫助
: 一個計畫將人送至月球的國家。
: 2.For years, Japan reflexively smoothed over any frictions with
: China. But its patience may be spent. Last November, Japanese
: destroyers chased a Chinese submarine from the waters around
: Japan's southernmost islands; in December, Japan formally
: idetified China as a potential military threat. Ignoring Chinese
: objections, Japan welcomed Lee Teng-hui, a former president of
: Taiwan, on a visit in January, and the Dalai Lama is expected
: in April.
: 多年以來,日本自動平撫和中國的任何磨擦,但日本的耐性已到了極
: 限。在去年11月日本的驅逐鑑在日本南方海域群島附近,驅逐到中國的潛
: 水艇;在12月時,日本正式宣布中國為一潛在的軍事威脅。無視於中國的
: 反對,日本歡迎前台灣總統李登輝於一月來訪,而達賴喇嘛也會在四月到
: 日本訪問。
: 3.Behind Japan's new attitude is a new postwar generation of
: politicians, led by Mr.Koizumi and Shinzo Abe, currently his most
: likely successor. They believe World War two should no longer
: haunt Japan's relations with its neighbors. But they see in China
: a growing unwillingness to let it go.
: 日本新態度的幕後主使人是戰後新一代的政治人物-小泉先生和目前
: 最有希望的繼承人- 安倍晉三。他們相信第二次世界大戰應不再是日本和其
: 鄰國的夢魘,但他們在中國看到越來越多的人不願就此放過。
Q2:所謂分詞子句的部分是只有分號的地方嗎?還是有-ing的地方 像:
" Ignoring Chinese objections, Japan welcomed Lee Teng-hui,..."
: 1.There is little affection between Asia's economic titans.
: Japan lobbies Europe and Russia not to sell advanced weapons
: to China's military; China opposes Japan's aspirations to a
: seat on the United Nations Security Council. China gets angry
: at Japan's friendly relations with Taiwan; Japan wonders why
: it is giving aid to a nation that has a program to put a man
: on the moon.
: 在亞洲經濟體間產生了一點影響,日本遊說歐洲和俄國不要賣先進
Q1.:改為"激起了一波漣漪"?因為affection的確有影響的意思 還是
: 武器給中國軍隊;中國反對日本想在聯合國安全理事會取得席位的
: 事;中國對於日本和台灣的友好關係感到憤怒;日本思索為何要幫助
: 一個計畫將人送至月球的國家。
: 2.For years, Japan reflexively smoothed over any frictions with
: China. But its patience may be spent. Last November, Japanese
: destroyers chased a Chinese submarine from the waters around
: Japan's southernmost islands; in December, Japan formally
: idetified China as a potential military threat. Ignoring Chinese
: objections, Japan welcomed Lee Teng-hui, a former president of
: Taiwan, on a visit in January, and the Dalai Lama is expected
: in April.
: 多年以來,日本自動平撫和中國的任何磨擦,但日本的耐性已到了極
: 限。在去年11月日本的驅逐鑑在日本南方海域群島附近,驅逐到中國的潛
: 水艇;在12月時,日本正式宣布中國為一潛在的軍事威脅。無視於中國的
: 反對,日本歡迎前台灣總統李登輝於一月來訪,而達賴喇嘛也會在四月到
: 日本訪問。
: 3.Behind Japan's new attitude is a new postwar generation of
: politicians, led by Mr.Koizumi and Shinzo Abe, currently his most
: likely successor. They believe World War two should no longer
: haunt Japan's relations with its neighbors. But they see in China
: a growing unwillingness to let it go.
: 日本新態度的幕後主使人是戰後新一代的政治人物-小泉先生和目前
: 最有希望的繼承人- 安倍晉三。他們相信第二次世界大戰應不再是日本和其
: 鄰國的夢魘,但他們在中國看到越來越多的人不願就此放過。
Q2:所謂分詞子句的部分是只有分號的地方嗎?還是有-ing的地方 像:
" Ignoring Chinese objections, Japan welcomed Lee Teng-hui,..."
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