中翻英 國際金融相關 論文摘要 - 翻譯

By Yedda
at 2009-03-31T19:21
at 2009-03-31T19:21
Table of Contents
請擔待擔待。 XD
※ 引述《mosterlee (love)》之銘言:
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: [必]原 文:本篇論文所探討國際金融市場主要是在總體經濟之消費者物價指數的
: 預測以及外匯市場之市場微結構(market microstructure)的分析。
: 由於各國間貿易往來日漸普及與盛行,任何國外的經濟衝擊,或多或少
: 都會對本國造成影響。政府當局想要持續維持物價水準的平穩已不再是
: 件容易的事了,於是精確地預測物價水準來提供訊息以便提早因應可能
: 的衝擊與變化。相同地,隨著國際資金移動頻繁,以及全球金融市場連
: 結緊密程度提高,這會造成外匯價格的變化與波動程度的提高,讓外匯
: 市場參與者承擔更多的風險與不確定性,於是對於匯率走勢將採用市場
: 微結構的方式作分析,這是重要且刻不容緩的議題。
與外匯市場中匯率走勢之間的關係,其中加入市場微結構 (market microstructure)的影
With the expansion of international trade, the domestic economy and the price
level (e.g., consumer price index, or CPI) are inevitably affected by
external economic impacts, thus making the government's work in stabilizing
prices more difficult. Consequently, in order to better respond to economic
impacts, accurate prediction of price levels becomes an important research
topic. On the other hand, with the global financial markets now tightly
linked and the frequency of transactions rapidly increasing, the exchange
rates are changing more rapidly and with higher volatility, rendering investors
exposed to increased foreign exchange risk. As funds for transactions must flow
through certain financial mechanisms, these mechanisms inevitably would affect
the currency chosen for transaction and thus affect the exchange rate as a
result. Subsequently, the price indices of the importing/exporting countries
will be affected. This paper explores the effect of the exchange rate in the
foreign exchange market on the CPI in the macroeconomics, but with the effect
of market microstructure added in this analysis. The results show…
: [必]問者譯文:This paper investigates the international financial market which
: how to predict the consumption indices of macroeconomic
: variables and analyze the foreign markets of market
: microstructure. Because the international trade gets popularized
: and prevailed, any foreign shock can affect our economics.
: It’s not an easy thing for the authority of government to
: maintain the stable of the consumption index;therefore,
: to predict consumption index precisely offers the impact and
: change forehead. Increasing the connection of global finicial
: market have lead to an increase in the volume of croee-board
: capital movements, and turns out an increase in change of
: foreign price. As a result, the participants in foreign market
: will take risks and uncertainty. To avoid this situation, it
: could adpot the market microsturcture method to analyze in
: foreign exchange movement.
: [必]討論議題:版上各位大大你好,小女子鼓起很大的勇氣,希望大家能夠多給我意見
: 是否哪裡翻的不好.我會虛心接受的.謝謝各位
: ──────────────────────────────────────
請擔待擔待。 XD
※ 引述《mosterlee (love)》之銘言:
: ──────────────────────────────────────
: [必]原 文:本篇論文所探討國際金融市場主要是在總體經濟之消費者物價指數的
: 預測以及外匯市場之市場微結構(market microstructure)的分析。
: 由於各國間貿易往來日漸普及與盛行,任何國外的經濟衝擊,或多或少
: 都會對本國造成影響。政府當局想要持續維持物價水準的平穩已不再是
: 件容易的事了,於是精確地預測物價水準來提供訊息以便提早因應可能
: 的衝擊與變化。相同地,隨著國際資金移動頻繁,以及全球金融市場連
: 結緊密程度提高,這會造成外匯價格的變化與波動程度的提高,讓外匯
: 市場參與者承擔更多的風險與不確定性,於是對於匯率走勢將採用市場
: 微結構的方式作分析,這是重要且刻不容緩的議題。
與外匯市場中匯率走勢之間的關係,其中加入市場微結構 (market microstructure)的影
With the expansion of international trade, the domestic economy and the price
level (e.g., consumer price index, or CPI) are inevitably affected by
external economic impacts, thus making the government's work in stabilizing
prices more difficult. Consequently, in order to better respond to economic
impacts, accurate prediction of price levels becomes an important research
topic. On the other hand, with the global financial markets now tightly
linked and the frequency of transactions rapidly increasing, the exchange
rates are changing more rapidly and with higher volatility, rendering investors
exposed to increased foreign exchange risk. As funds for transactions must flow
through certain financial mechanisms, these mechanisms inevitably would affect
the currency chosen for transaction and thus affect the exchange rate as a
result. Subsequently, the price indices of the importing/exporting countries
will be affected. This paper explores the effect of the exchange rate in the
foreign exchange market on the CPI in the macroeconomics, but with the effect
of market microstructure added in this analysis. The results show…
: [必]問者譯文:This paper investigates the international financial market which
: how to predict the consumption indices of macroeconomic
: variables and analyze the foreign markets of market
: microstructure. Because the international trade gets popularized
: and prevailed, any foreign shock can affect our economics.
: It’s not an easy thing for the authority of government to
: maintain the stable of the consumption index;therefore,
: to predict consumption index precisely offers the impact and
: change forehead. Increasing the connection of global finicial
: market have lead to an increase in the volume of croee-board
: capital movements, and turns out an increase in change of
: foreign price. As a result, the participants in foreign market
: will take risks and uncertainty. To avoid this situation, it
: could adpot the market microsturcture method to analyze in
: foreign exchange movement.
: [必]討論議題:版上各位大大你好,小女子鼓起很大的勇氣,希望大家能夠多給我意見
: 是否哪裡翻的不好.我會虛心接受的.謝謝各位
: ──────────────────────────────────────
All Comments

By Oscar
at 2009-04-03T22:38
at 2009-04-03T22:38

By George
at 2009-04-05T08:43
at 2009-04-05T08:43

By Christine
at 2009-04-09T20:46
at 2009-04-09T20:46

By William
at 2009-04-09T22:06
at 2009-04-09T22:06

By Ida
at 2009-04-11T05:56
at 2009-04-11T05:56

By Hedda
at 2009-04-13T13:04
at 2009-04-13T13:04

By Erin
at 2009-04-16T03:29
at 2009-04-16T03:29
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