可以也請大家幫我看看我的翻譯嗎? - 翻譯

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-10-15T21:35

Table of Contents



可不可以請大家幫我看一下 :p






Virtual Museums, like physical museums, should be developed to fulfill the

missions such as educational activity, exhibition, recreation and research.

However, most of the studies in virtual museum merely focus on topics such as

technique, user interface and educational support services, only a few studies

concentrate on users’ experience in virtual environment. The purpose of this

study is to research the following issues: 1) How do users learn from the

virtual museum? 2) How efficiently is the virtual museum learning? and what’s

the relationship between physical and virtual museum? 3) How users view the

role of the virtual museum in their museum experience?








The results of this research indicate that 1) The learning experience of the

users in virtual museum is similar to those in the physical museum. Their

activities can be classified into nine indicative behaviors. 2) Users can gain

informal learning outcomes from virtual museum and their experience varied by

their personal, sociocultural, and physical contexts. Also, the experience of

virtual museum visiting was different from that of physical museum visiting.

These differences reflect the advantages and limits of the two experiences

and the collaborative potential. 3) In users’ opinions, the most important

function of virtual museum is to support their physical museum experiences such

as planning a visit to the museum and following-up on a recent visit to a

museum visit.


不知道會不會被罵,不過還是先謝謝大家 :p

Tags: 翻譯

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不好意思來這邊po文 拜託幫幫忙!

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-10-15T20:53
我是要來請問有沒有人有 林超倫寫的 實戰口譯(實戰練習) 有附兩張CD的 由於我真的太笨了~ 再度把跟圖書館借的CD搞丟了 因為出版社已經倒閉的關係 �� ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-10-15T20:53
翻了很久還是覺得自己翻得不合原意, 請大家撥冗幫我看看該怎麼修才好 原文: We have a unique organizational structure with a matrix of plant based operations manageme ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-10-15T19:39
: 1. Being in breach of his employment. 就是說穿得像要去海灘一樣來上班(短褲比基尼海灘褲拖鞋之類) : 2. the entitlement to sick leave as mentioned in Clause 5-2-1 is ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-10-15T13:49
※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板] 作者: ailvepa (aveoveoyu) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: 不懂員工手冊中的一些規定 時間: Mon Oct 15 13:48:30 2007 如題 這是英文員工手冊中� ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-10-14T01:49
※ 引述《itsnts》之銘言: : (給予這樣相對現象,重度障礙學生 這個詞),使用在整篇文章以代表 : 在先前段落描述的中度和重度障礙認知、生理�� ...