可請教各位大大幫我看看我的翻譯作業嗎 … - 翻譯

By Callum
at 2007-05-27T21:56
at 2007-05-27T21:56
Table of Contents
※ 引述《apple0731 (哀愁的預感)》之銘言:
: Policymaking in the United States
: 美國的政策制定
: The United States has a non-centralize system.It has a national (or general
: )government-which functions in many areas for many purposes-but not a central
: government controlling all the lines of political communication and decision
: making.
: 自譯:美國實行非中央集權的體制,它有國家政府系統,它的功能因多種目的存在於
: 很多地區。但可不是一個極權政府掌控所有政治溝通的路線以及決策上的制定。
national: 全國性; areas: 專業 地方 (非地理位置); central government: 中央政府
: The 50 states are not creatures of the federal government;like it, they derive
: their authority directly from the people.Structurally,they are substantially
: immune from federal interference.Functionally,they share many activities with
: the federal government,without forfeiting their policy-making roles and
: decision-making powers.
like it, they derive their authority directly from the people
share: 共同參予; forfeiting: 放棄
: 自譯:美國的50個州並不是聯邦政府的產物,換言之,它們當局的權力來源直接來自
: 於人民。就結構面來說,它們大體上免於聯邦的干涉。就功能面來看,它們沒
: 有喪失它們制定政策的角色及擁有決策制定的力量,並且和聯邦政府共享許多
: 活動。
: Decentralization implies hierarchy--a pyramid of governments with gradations
: of power.Non-centralization describes a matrix of governments with powers
: so distributed that the rank order of the several governments is not fixed.
: For example,the national government is primary in the field of foreign
: affairs, but the states are primary in the field of eduacation.
: 自譯:地方分權意指階級體系--一個逐漸掌握權力政府的金字塔。非中央集權描述到
: 一個力量太過分散的政府會導致許多政府的秩序不穩定。舉例來說,國家政府
: 主要負責的是外交事務的領域,而州則是負責教育的領域。
a pyramid of governments: 由許多政府搭起來的金字塔架構
gradations of power: 權力逐層遞減(增)
a matrix of goverments: 一組政府
the rank order...is not fixed: 權力等級高低並非固定
: Policymaking in the United States
: 美國的政策制定
: The United States has a non-centralize system.It has a national (or general
: )government-which functions in many areas for many purposes-but not a central
: government controlling all the lines of political communication and decision
: making.
: 自譯:美國實行非中央集權的體制,它有國家政府系統,它的功能因多種目的存在於
: 很多地區。但可不是一個極權政府掌控所有政治溝通的路線以及決策上的制定。
national: 全國性; areas: 專業 地方 (非地理位置); central government: 中央政府
: The 50 states are not creatures of the federal government;like it, they derive
: their authority directly from the people.Structurally,they are substantially
: immune from federal interference.Functionally,they share many activities with
: the federal government,without forfeiting their policy-making roles and
: decision-making powers.
like it, they derive their authority directly from the people
share: 共同參予; forfeiting: 放棄
: 自譯:美國的50個州並不是聯邦政府的產物,換言之,它們當局的權力來源直接來自
: 於人民。就結構面來說,它們大體上免於聯邦的干涉。就功能面來看,它們沒
: 有喪失它們制定政策的角色及擁有決策制定的力量,並且和聯邦政府共享許多
: 活動。
: Decentralization implies hierarchy--a pyramid of governments with gradations
: of power.Non-centralization describes a matrix of governments with powers
: so distributed that the rank order of the several governments is not fixed.
: For example,the national government is primary in the field of foreign
: affairs, but the states are primary in the field of eduacation.
: 自譯:地方分權意指階級體系--一個逐漸掌握權力政府的金字塔。非中央集權描述到
: 一個力量太過分散的政府會導致許多政府的秩序不穩定。舉例來說,國家政府
: 主要負責的是外交事務的領域,而州則是負責教育的領域。
a pyramid of governments: 由許多政府搭起來的金字塔架構
gradations of power: 權力逐層遞減(增)
a matrix of goverments: 一組政府
the rank order...is not fixed: 權力等級高低並非固定
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