問句句子的翻譯 - 翻譯

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2006-05-08T17:06

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※ 引述《eating57 (一公升的眼淚)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《hallmark (Marxism(叔叔))》之銘言:
: : 英文的句子的確有時候會連接得很長,要翻譯成流暢
: : 的中文,應該是先透過拆解原文的結構,弄清楚原文
: : 的文字關係,下一步才是把你理解到的句子轉換成中文吧
: : ?
: they have the added (benefits of naturally occurring child misbehavior)
: : with which to work and potential for greater generalization of learning
: : because (this is the natural setting of parenting)
: 嗯 你說的有道理...
: 但是我就是不太會拆
: 所以才會來這邊問人
: 希望有人能教我
你有沒有想過這些句子裡面的which是指涉什麼? 然後...with which應該
怎麼翻譯? 再過來....
to work and potential for greater generalization of learning
又是指哪一部份? 是指naturally occurring child misbehavior?

Tags: 翻譯

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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2006-05-08T15:33
[問題] 請問校稿的行情要怎麼算...若以1000字來算的話 請知道的人..說一下吧.. 謝謝 --


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2006-05-08T13:32
International Localization/Translation Agency looking for politics translator - SDL plc Chinese to English, estimated 30,000 to 40,000 Chinese characters monthly Please send your resume to: job-twa ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-05-08T13:30
※ 引述《hallmark (Marxism(叔叔))》之銘言: : ※ 引述《eating57 (一公升的眼淚)》之銘言: : : they have the added benefits of naturally occurring child misbehavior : : with wh ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2006-05-08T04:52
※ 引述《eating57 (一公升的眼淚)》之銘言: : they have the added benefits of naturally occurring child misbehavior : with which to work and potential for greater generalization of learn ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-05-08T04:06
本人非英文科系畢業的,但畢業後經過多年的闖盪,憑著只有文法和閱讀強的英文底子, 以及一些科技背景,在軟體中文化這一行中找到自己的路。做� ...