四月翻譯競賽審核意見 - Nievesnow - 翻譯

By Hardy
at 2008-05-03T01:59
at 2008-05-03T01:59
Table of Contents
│評 分 表 │譯者:Nievesnow │
│錯 誤 類 別│次數(扣分)│ 錯 誤 點 編 號 │
│重大錯誤 (-9) │ 2 (-18) │7,14 │
│中等錯誤 (-5) │ 8 (-40) │1, 5, 6, 9,13,15,16,17 │
│輕微錯誤 (-1) │ 7 (- 7) │2, 3, 4, 8,10,11,12 │
│小 計│ 17 (-65) │
│得分 (滿分100)│ 35 │
: ───────────────────────────────────────
: Foreign capital ought to be good for countries that have profitable ventures
: that lack funding because of low savings at home. But Messrs Rodrik and
: Subramanian argue that for many countries, it is not low savings but a
: shortage of good investments that is the binding constraint. Weak property
: rights, poorly enforced contracts and the fear that profits will be siphoned
: away make it hard to conceive of ventures that might generate a reliable
: return. When investment opportunities are scarce, capital inflows simply
: displace domestic savings and encourage consumption.
: 對於因為國內的存款不足,擁有獲利企業但卻缺乏資金的的國家來說,外資應該是有益的
: 。但是羅德瑞克和薩布拉馬尼安卻認為,對許多國家來說,限制他們的條件並不是不足的
: 存款,而是缺少良好的投資。由於許多因素,諸如財產權薄弱、合約執行不良,以及對於
: 利潤可能被分化的恐懼,實在很難想像企業可能會產生可靠的回饋。當投資機會很稀少的
: 時候,資金的流入只不過取代了國內存款,還有鼓勵消費罷了。
1. 缺乏資金的不是國家而是企業。
: Whatever their misgivings about cosmopolitan capital, the authors do not
: deny that deeper financial markets in general help to foster prosperity.
: Even in economies short of good investment projects, a sturdier channel
: connecting domestic savers and borrowers will help growth. The more domestic
: savings can be put to work, the less need is there for foreign capital,
: and using local funds helps keep the exchange rate down and promotes export
: growth. By contrast, encouraging foreign capital to flood in can put upward
: pressure on the exchange rate, making exports less competitive. In some
: circumstances, capital controls may be justified if they keep the currency
: cheap and promote growth.
: 無論他們對於國際性資金的擔憂是什麼,作者們並沒有否認,一般來說,更深入的金融市
: 場能夠幫助促進繁榮。即使處於缺少良好投資計畫的經濟狀況,還有連接國內存款人和借
: 款人更加堅固的管道,也能夠幫助成長。將會有更多國內存款發揮作用,如此一來對外資
: 的需求就會減少,此外,使用國內的資金也可以幫助維持外匯匯率下降,並且促進出口的
: 成長。相較之下,鼓勵外資的大量湧入,可能會導致外匯的壓力升高,使出口變得較不具
: 競爭性,在某些情況下,如果可以維持貨幣低廉並促進成長,就可以證明資金控管是正當
: 的。
2. deeper financial markets
-> 在此指經過深度發展的金融市場
3. the more... the less...
-> 若前者越多,則後者越少
4. put upward pressure on the exchange rate
-> 譯文未譯出壓力的方向(壓力可能是升值壓力也可能是貶值壓力)
: Why do the authors make such a strong case for export-led growth as a means
: to development in poor countries, even if it is at the expense of more open
: capital markets? First, they believe, exports are a force for institutional
: reform. A firm making clothes to sell abroad demands consistent state
: regulation, reliable transport links and enforceable contracts with suppliers
: to a degree that a barbershop serving the domestic market does not. Second,
: exporters foster skills, technology and expertise that can fruitfully spill
: over to other enterprises.
: 然而為什麼作者們要創造這樣一個強烈的個案,就出口導向成長而言,作為開發貧窮國家
X(5) X(6)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 的一種方法,即使是用在較為開放的資金市場的支出?首先,他們相信,出口是對於制度
: 改革的一種影響力。一家製作成衣外銷到國外的公司會需要一致的國家法規、可靠的運輸
: 連結,以及與供應商之間可以執行的合約,而在某種程度上,一家為國內市場服務的理髮
: 店並不需要這些條件。再者,出口商培養的技巧、技術以及專門知識,將能夠有效地
: 湧入其他企業。
5. make a strong case for A
-> 指「強力主張 A 是應該做的」
6. 指將出口導向成長做為發展的手段。
7. 指因管制而犧牲掉更為開放的資金市場。
8. regulation
-> 此處的 regulation 為不可屬名詞,指管理、管制、調控
9. 只是需求程度較低,並非不需要
10. spill over
-> 指因「過多而溢流到原有範圍外」,非「湧入」
: Messrs Rodrik and Subramanian conclude that with the benefits of liberalised
: finance under the microscope in rich countries, it is time for more subtle
: thinking about the global picture. “Depending on context and country,”
: they write, “the appropriate role of policy will be as often to stem the
: tide of capital flows as to encourage them.”
: 羅德瑞克和薩布拉馬尼安結論提到,藉著檢視富裕國家中的自由金融利益,是時候要做出
: 對於全球前景更加精良的規劃了。他們寫道,「視背景和國家而定,適當的政策角色將必
: 須同時阻止及鼓勵外資的流動。」
11. 邏輯上互斥。
: That bold conclusion leaves some troubling issues unresolved. As China's
: experience suggests, keeping the exchange rate weak in support of export-led
: growth becomes harder to sustain over time. Nor is it easy to keep foreign
: capital out. Capital controls can be evaded by adjusting trade invoices:
: exporters can bring funds in secretly by over-invoicing for foreign sales.
: The authorities can use sterilised intervention to stop inflows pushing the
: exchange rate up, but this imposes its own costs on the economy—in terms of
: higher interest rates or a distorted allocation of credit.
: 這項大膽的結論還留下一些煩人的問題沒有解答。正如中國的經驗所暗示的,隨著時間的
: 推進,要維持外匯弱勢以支持出口導向的成長,已經變得越來越困難,而要使外資不進入
: 也並不容易。只要更改貿易發票就可以逃避資金控管:只要多開外銷發票,出口商就可以
: 秘密地運入資金。有關當局當然可以運用沖銷政策來阻止會讓外匯升高的資金流入,但是
: 這也會增加其自身在經濟上的支出──造成更高的利率或是扭曲的存款分配。
12. over-invoicing
-> 指低額高報(單純多開發票不會有問題,超開發票上的金額才會有問題)
13. 為匯率 (exchange rate),非外匯
14. 非指經濟上的支出會增加,而是指經濟體本身必須付出代價
: It is possible too that over time capital inflows are becoming less risky
: and the collateral benefits more tangible. And more stable direct investments
: account for an increasing share of capital inflows. Countries will ultimately
: have to come to terms with global capital and the choice is not only whether
: to embrace or resist it. There is a third option: find ways to manage it.
: After all, few would now argue that financial progress should not be policed
: at all.
: 隨著時間的推進,資金的流入也有可能會變得較不具風險,而擔保的利益也會比較明確,
: 另外較為穩定的直接投資也會促成逐漸增加的資金流入股份。各個國家最後將必須走向與
: 全球資金的交流,而選項將不只是擁抱它或拒絕它,還有第三個選項:找到管理它的方法
: 。畢竟,只有極少數的人會認為,金融發展完全不應該受到任何監督。
15. collateral 在此指的是「附帶的」
16. 非指穩定的直接投資會促成資金流入股份逐漸增加,而是指在流入的外資中,穩定
17. come to terms with
-> 指處理或面對先前不願處理或難以解決的問題。
: ───────────────────────────────────────
: 註:參賽譯文之張貼順序與參與順序、譯文品質、最終名次無關。
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