幫我看看! 中翻英 關於經濟 物流 - 翻譯

By Donna
at 2006-11-03T21:24
at 2006-11-03T21:24
Table of Contents
※ 引述《colesummer (開心的向前走)》之銘言:
: 一些翻譯求教
: 或者 哪裡可以找到好一點的線上字典查這些怪字= =?
: 有些字是中國用法 我自己都不太理解= =
: 一般字彙:
: 物流的各個 "環節" 如運輸配送 : link ?
: "社會大分工" :social division ?
: 追趕的腳步卻從未停歇: catching up has never stopped. (X)
: they have not stop to improve?
: 理解不深: the understanding is not deep???????
^^^^^^^^^^ lack of deep understanding
: 生產環節: production linkages
: 專有名詞?
: "物質資料": substance information?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ physical material information
: "準時制生產" : punctual system production.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 他是指 just-in-time production 嗎?
: "車輛空駛嚴重" seriousness of vehicles driving without loads,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 用 empty vehicles rate is high
: 車輛"資質"可靠性差: 這裡可能是大陸用語 不知道怎麼翻???
: the reliability of cehicle intelligence is poor.
: "訂單"order to delivery
: 整句:
: 同時,立體倉庫,條碼自動識別系統,自動導向車系統,貨物自動跟蹤系統等
: 物流自動化設施應用不多。
: At the same time, there are minimal logistics automated facility
: applications such as " three dimensional" warehousing, automated bar
: code recognition device, automated vehicle guiding device, automated
: goods and so on.
: 其企業網站的功能仍以企業形象宣傳等基礎應用為主
: these enterprises still gives priority to relevant foundation such as
: company image propaganda as the functions of company websites,
: 作為電子商務平台的比例相對較少
: in comparison to the e-commerce platform where it is relatively smaller
: 調研數據顯示,在當前物流企業的信息化發展中,對公共信息網路平台的需求比例大約
: 為56.67%
: Investigation and study data shows that within information technology
: development of current logistics enterprises, the proportion of demand for
: public information network platforms are approximately 56.67%
: 從體制上打破條塊分割和地區封鎖,從信息資源整合入手,抓好物流資源的整合.....
: break through vertical and horizontal segmentations and regional blockades
: from the system, achieve from information resource integration
: 全球物流化的發展走勢
: the development and influence of logistics globalisation
: 一些翻譯求教
: 或者 哪裡可以找到好一點的線上字典查這些怪字= =?
: 有些字是中國用法 我自己都不太理解= =
: 一般字彙:
: 物流的各個 "環節" 如運輸配送 : link ?
: "社會大分工" :social division ?
: 追趕的腳步卻從未停歇: catching up has never stopped. (X)
: they have not stop to improve?
: 理解不深: the understanding is not deep???????
^^^^^^^^^^ lack of deep understanding
: 生產環節: production linkages
: 專有名詞?
: "物質資料": substance information?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ physical material information
: "準時制生產" : punctual system production.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 他是指 just-in-time production 嗎?
: "車輛空駛嚴重" seriousness of vehicles driving without loads,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 用 empty vehicles rate is high
: 車輛"資質"可靠性差: 這裡可能是大陸用語 不知道怎麼翻???
: the reliability of cehicle intelligence is poor.
: "訂單"order to delivery
: 整句:
: 同時,立體倉庫,條碼自動識別系統,自動導向車系統,貨物自動跟蹤系統等
: 物流自動化設施應用不多。
: At the same time, there are minimal logistics automated facility
: applications such as " three dimensional" warehousing, automated bar
: code recognition device, automated vehicle guiding device, automated
: goods and so on.
: 其企業網站的功能仍以企業形象宣傳等基礎應用為主
: these enterprises still gives priority to relevant foundation such as
: company image propaganda as the functions of company websites,
: 作為電子商務平台的比例相對較少
: in comparison to the e-commerce platform where it is relatively smaller
: 調研數據顯示,在當前物流企業的信息化發展中,對公共信息網路平台的需求比例大約
: 為56.67%
: Investigation and study data shows that within information technology
: development of current logistics enterprises, the proportion of demand for
: public information network platforms are approximately 56.67%
: 從體制上打破條塊分割和地區封鎖,從信息資源整合入手,抓好物流資源的整合.....
: break through vertical and horizontal segmentations and regional blockades
: from the system, achieve from information resource integration
: 全球物流化的發展走勢
: the development and influence of logistics globalisation
All Comments

By Faithe
at 2006-11-05T19:01
at 2006-11-05T19:01

By Doris
at 2006-11-09T01:12
at 2006-11-09T01:12
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