徵求熟悉網路與資安產業的譯者 - 翻譯

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-06-09T14:19

Table of Contents


* 工作份量:每份文件長度約為 2 - 4 頁 A4-size word 檔
* 專業領域:網路通訊與資訊安全
* 文件性質:產業報導、新產品訊息
* 案件難易度:中等
* 翻譯費:以翻譯後之稿件計酬,每個中文字 NT$0.6
* 應徵截止日:6月20日
* 截稿日期:可分批交稿,所有稿件需於6/30之前完成

* 聯絡方式:請來信至 [email protected],歡迎將您的試譯稿寄來,
不論有沒有錄取我們都會以E-mail 通知您。


Real-time voice doesn’t translate easily into an application on a “
best-efforts” IP data network. Traditional
firewalls in particular can be overwhelmed by VoIP traffic, thereby
introducing latency and jitter into the
voice stream, and making normal conversation impossible.

Some of them, principally the text-based Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),
are still emerging. Others, including H.323, were not purpose-built for VoIP.
Both SIP and H.323 use multiple ports for each voice session, and the
majority of the ports are not static.

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-06-07T00:54
※ 引述《wt ( 大惡魔 = =+)》之銘言: : 請問下面這句的意思怎麼解釋比較好? ^^and#34; : The two president candidates discussed human right issue on TV : at the end of last mon ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2007-06-07T00:33
請問下面這句的意思怎麼解釋比較好? ^^and#34; The two president candidates discussed human right issue on TV at the end of last month. 1. 兩位總統候選人上個月底在電視上� ...

compelling product是什麼意思

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-06-05T15:21
剛才看到一句 looking for individuals who combine a great instinct for developing compelling products with the technical aptitude... 請問compelling products是什麼意思? 麻煩好心的大 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-06-04T21:33
知道目前有些翻譯軟體可以將你曾經翻過的字句加以記憶 於下次翻譯時更方便 但是我有個疑問 當我的原文並無電子檔時 專業術語相當多時 這樣的� ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-06-04T20:56
※ 引述《sid33beauty (sid33beauty)》之銘言: : 教育界的重量級大老? : 好像不能用heavyweight... : heavyweight通常都是拿來說運動比賽的重量級冠軍 : 政治上或是� ...