有關政治的 - 翻譯

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-04-19T02:00

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※ 引述《applesmile (蘋果微笑)》之銘言:
: 還有一句我也不太會翻

: The downside to these arrangements are the loss of accountability and the
: highresistance of private firms to changes in the public bureaucracy
: because their livelihoods are dependent upon preserving the status quo

缺點是 沒人擔當責任

this part is troublesome. should it be:

high resistence of private firms to changes [in the public bureaucracy]
because their (meaning private firms) livelihoods are...


high resistence of private firms to [changes in the public bureaucracy]
because their livelihoods are...

是 [changes in private firms] 還是 [changes in the public bureaucracy] that
are facing high resistence? 雖說 private firms in the public bureaucray
[私人公司/非公家公司 在公家官僚體系內]雖有點怪怪的,但確有其事。好像有點曖昧 --
還是我愛睡? XD 這是原文的問題。

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Re: 請大家幫忙指點一下好嗎..

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-04-18T09:23
※ 引述《lovelyvv (vv)》之銘言: : : 這是樓上英翻中的徵求試譯文..我試譯了一下.請大家幫忙指點一下好嗎..?? : 不知道這樣子貼ok嗎..如果不ok的話..請版� ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2007-04-18T08:57
they are assigned to an agency that considers them peripheral to its primary misson 從that後面的那個子句我不太會翻 希望板上的大大可以幫幫我 謝謝 --


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-04-17T23:16
大約兩頁 中翻英 價碼是多少 如果很急著 大概五個小時以內要 是不是很欠揍? 對不起 不了解規矩.... 麻煩了... --


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-04-17T21:20
這是樓上英翻中的徵求試譯文..我試譯了一下.請大家幫忙指點一下好嗎..?? 不知道這樣子貼ok嗎..如果不ok的話..請版主或是原貼跟我說一下好嗎?? What Amer ...

請問 歇斯底里 的英文翻譯

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-04-17T19:29
形容一個人的性格很and#34;歇斯底里and#34; 想請問英文要用什麼比較好阿 BTW 歇斯底里 該不會是外文直譯吧?? 麻煩大家了!! = = -- --