有關行銷研究文章的一段話 - 翻譯

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-05-28T21:01

Table of Contents

※ 引述《ttak (無可救藥的浪漫主義)》之銘言:
: For example, prompting a sales person to simply open a second
: register when a long line begins to form gets more to the root of
: the problem. "This is what trumps getting more bodies --
: getting more staff to show behaviors that are sensitive to consumers' needs."
: 舉例來說, 當排隊的民眾越來越多時, 派一位銷售員開放另個收銀台,
: 就比前者(前者: 雇用更多的銷售員在店裡) 更能觸及問題的本身.
: "This is what trumps getting more bodies--
: 使員工藉由行為表達他們對顧客需求的敏感度"
: 請問this is what trumps getting more bodies 應該如何翻譯? 謝謝各位!
if you trump what someone has said or done, you beat it by saying or doing
something else that seems better.

這段的大意是說:僱用更多人工, 不如提高員工對顧客需求的敏感度
making more of your staff to respond to your customers' needs
beats (i.e. trumps)
hiring more staff/bodies

"getting more staff to show behavior..." = "what" trumps getting more bodies


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All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2007-06-01T08:10
更正: respond 之前多了一個 to
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-06-05T17:28
oops...my bad, you are right on "trumps"
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-06-10T15:48
i should have read it more carefully :(

可請教各位大大幫我看看我的翻譯作業嗎 …

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-05-27T21:56
※ 引述《apple0731 (哀愁的預感)》之銘言: : Policymaking in the United States : 美國的政策制定 : The United States has a non-ce ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-05-27T21:29
Policymaking in the United States 美國的政策制定 The United States has a non-centralize system.It has a national (or general )government-which functions in many ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-05-27T17:07
各位前輩好: 借用IDB大大的標題一用。 之前統一數位翻譯有給過我試譯的機會,約好明天要面試了。 可是,爬過salary版之後,感到非常困惑。 在精華 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-05-27T12:53
※ 引述《maxi247 (Maxi247)》之銘言: : 第一句 : 原文: : The first alternative is a rational actor perspective which sees political : life as organized by exchange among calculating, se ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-05-27T08:27
第一句 原文: The first alternative is a rational actor perspective which sees political life as organized by exchange among calculating, self-interested actors. 我的翻譯: 第一個選擇 ...