校正閱讀者 a proofreader - 翻譯

By Ingrid
at 2008-05-20T14:35
at 2008-05-20T14:35
Table of Contents
※ 引述《karen810 (karen)》之銘言:
: 注意! 標題 '至少' 必須標明種類
: 只要不是 "登記有案企業並且是長期徵求" 的各式徵求均使用此格式
: 內容至少要有以下資訊(口筆譯)
: 請各位幫幫忙 我和我的同學兩個人現在即將完成碩士班論文 需要一位英文母語人士或是專業的
: 英文教學者幫我們校正論文的內容 只要檢查我們的文法與用字就可以
: 我們的論文有五章 大約70到80頁
: 我們會各付5,000元作為您的薪資 希望您可以幫忙我們 謝謝
: 如果您有意願的話 歡迎您和我聯絡 0922683468 張同學
: 感謝大家▓
This is Karen Chang from Tamkang,
I am a third-grade graduate student of the English Department
who is writing on my thesis now.
I attempt to deal with Leslie Marmon Silko’s Gardens in the Dune
s as my target novel in my thesis.
Could you help me correct the chapters of the thesis?
I need a teacher to correct my grammar and wording in the thesis,
and I believe that your correction or suggestion will be very much helpful to me. If you consent to help me correct my thesis paper, please inform me and tell me to send you my chapters of the thesis in hardcopy or in emailing, and I will offer 5,000 NTD as the payment for your help for correcting the thesis. Your help will be much more appreciated.
我的信箱是[email protected]
: 注意! 標題 '至少' 必須標明種類
: 只要不是 "登記有案企業並且是長期徵求" 的各式徵求均使用此格式
: 內容至少要有以下資訊(口筆譯)
: 請各位幫幫忙 我和我的同學兩個人現在即將完成碩士班論文 需要一位英文母語人士或是專業的
: 英文教學者幫我們校正論文的內容 只要檢查我們的文法與用字就可以
: 我們的論文有五章 大約70到80頁
: 我們會各付5,000元作為您的薪資 希望您可以幫忙我們 謝謝
: 如果您有意願的話 歡迎您和我聯絡 0922683468 張同學
: 感謝大家▓
This is Karen Chang from Tamkang,
I am a third-grade graduate student of the English Department
who is writing on my thesis now.
I attempt to deal with Leslie Marmon Silko’s Gardens in the Dune
s as my target novel in my thesis.
Could you help me correct the chapters of the thesis?
I need a teacher to correct my grammar and wording in the thesis,
and I believe that your correction or suggestion will be very much helpful to me. If you consent to help me correct my thesis paper, please inform me and tell me to send you my chapters of the thesis in hardcopy or in emailing, and I will offer 5,000 NTD as the payment for your help for correcting the thesis. Your help will be much more appreciated.
我的信箱是[email protected]
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