英翻中 - 翻譯

By Dora
at 2010-10-20T19:52
at 2010-10-20T19:52
Table of Contents
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[選]試 譯 文:So far as I
know ,the only theoretical work that makes
explicit use of it is Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le
don,ublihed in 1925,which is ancient as so-
cial science goes.It may be that the tradition
of neglect is now changing and that,for in-
stance ,the psychologist who interpret behave-
ior in terms of transactions may be coming
back to somethingof the sort I have in mind.
An incidental advantage of an exchange
theory is that it might bring sociology closer
the economics-that science of man most ad-
vanced,most capable of application,and,in-
tellectually , most isolated.Economics studies
exchange carried out under special circum-
stances and with a most useful built-in numer-
ical measure of value.What are the laws of the
general phenomenon of which economic be-
havior is one class?
[必] 是必填, [選] 是選填。
※ 標題注意事項:
格式:[徵求] 報酬_口筆譯_語系_領域_工作量_截稿日
範例:[徵求] 2/字_筆_中譯英_論文_1530字_20080711
篩選中,類別可改 [篩選],以免再有人應徵。
選定後,類別須改 [徵得],可更新變動項目,不可刪除價格!!
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[必]工 作 量:(字數/頁數/小時數/天數)2000字 2頁 3天完成
[必]截 稿 日:3天內
[必]工作報酬:(若請譯者報價,必須載明預算上限) 一個單字1元
[選]試 譯 文:So far as I
know ,the only theoretical work that makes
explicit use of it is Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le
don,ublihed in 1925,which is ancient as so-
cial science goes.It may be that the tradition
of neglect is now changing and that,for in-
stance ,the psychologist who interpret behave-
ior in terms of transactions may be coming
back to somethingof the sort I have in mind.
An incidental advantage of an exchange
theory is that it might bring sociology closer
the economics-that science of man most ad-
vanced,most capable of application,and,in-
tellectually , most isolated.Economics studies
exchange carried out under special circum-
stances and with a most useful built-in numer-
ical measure of value.What are the laws of the
general phenomenon of which economic be-
havior is one class?
All Comments

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