請各位指點迷津~謝謝 - 翻譯

By Vanessa
at 2007-05-21T01:27
at 2007-05-21T01:27
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※ 引述《aniaseo (aniaseo)》之銘言:
: 這是一篇文章裡的一個小標題:Sculptures and "reliefs"
: 請問在這裡relief是什麼意思呢?
: (以下是此標題的描述,可是我看完還是不知道這裡的relief是什麼意思...)
: The decorative elements on the monument are from different periods and are
: generally considered to be spolia, that is, parts taken from earlier
: monuments. The arch has parts from the reigns of Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus
: Aurelius and Constantine himself.
: "Some of the older, reused parts have been changed to give the images of
: former emperors the semblance of Constantine."
: 這句我自己試翻成"一些較老的、重複使用的部分已經被改變,為了給較之前的帝國君士
: 坦丁的形象"...
這是出處嗎? http://sights.seindal.dk/sight/299_Arch_of_Constantine.html
spolia 的解釋可見 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spolia。裏面好像用同個圖作說明。
semblance: 會不會是把舊的皇帝像整型得像 Constantine the Great?
見下文: 降子 Constantine 可與先賢並列。
The third possible explanation for recycling [i.e., spolia] is a desire to
place Constantine in the same group of emperors as Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus
Aurelius, who are also known as the Good Emperors, because they brought peace,
prosperity and safe succession to the empire. This might be flattery or wishful
thinking on behalf on the senate, or it might be a part of the self-image
Constantine wanted such a monument to reflect.
: 好像怪怪的?請問意思對嗎?
: 謝謝各位~~感激不盡
: 這是一篇文章裡的一個小標題:Sculptures and "reliefs"
: 請問在這裡relief是什麼意思呢?
: (以下是此標題的描述,可是我看完還是不知道這裡的relief是什麼意思...)
: The decorative elements on the monument are from different periods and are
: generally considered to be spolia, that is, parts taken from earlier
: monuments. The arch has parts from the reigns of Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus
: Aurelius and Constantine himself.
: "Some of the older, reused parts have been changed to give the images of
: former emperors the semblance of Constantine."
: 這句我自己試翻成"一些較老的、重複使用的部分已經被改變,為了給較之前的帝國君士
: 坦丁的形象"...
這是出處嗎? http://sights.seindal.dk/sight/299_Arch_of_Constantine.html
spolia 的解釋可見 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spolia。裏面好像用同個圖作說明。
semblance: 會不會是把舊的皇帝像整型得像 Constantine the Great?
見下文: 降子 Constantine 可與先賢並列。
The third possible explanation for recycling [i.e., spolia] is a desire to
place Constantine in the same group of emperors as Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus
Aurelius, who are also known as the Good Emperors, because they brought peace,
prosperity and safe succession to the empire. This might be flattery or wishful
thinking on behalf on the senate, or it might be a part of the self-image
Constantine wanted such a monument to reflect.
: 好像怪怪的?請問意思對嗎?
: 謝謝各位~~感激不盡
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