請問一個醫學名詞 - 翻譯

By George
at 2006-10-10T11:15
at 2006-10-10T11:15
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※ 引述《bestdefender (AleAleAle)》之銘言:
: 有人知道"Retiarian therapy"這名詞的專有翻法嗎?
: 它的英文解釋如下:
: The use of agents produced by the chemical combination
: of two compounds, one which is a nonspecific
: cell poison and the other which is non-toxic
: but possesses cell recognition properties.
: 感謝~~~
光看英文解釋的話,我覺得很像是之前聽過的“標靶療法”(targeted therapy)
這種藥物含有兩個作用部位,第一個部位用來辨認特定細胞(e.g.,cancer cell)表面的
另外 Retiarian --> Retiarius [Roman Antiq.] = A gladiator armed with a net for
entangling his adversary and a trident for despatching him
: 有人知道"Retiarian therapy"這名詞的專有翻法嗎?
: 它的英文解釋如下:
: The use of agents produced by the chemical combination
: of two compounds, one which is a nonspecific
: cell poison and the other which is non-toxic
: but possesses cell recognition properties.
: 感謝~~~
光看英文解釋的話,我覺得很像是之前聽過的“標靶療法”(targeted therapy)
這種藥物含有兩個作用部位,第一個部位用來辨認特定細胞(e.g.,cancer cell)表面的
另外 Retiarian --> Retiarius [Roman Antiq.] = A gladiator armed with a net for
entangling his adversary and a trident for despatching him
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