請教一個詞的用法 - 翻譯

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-18T05:30

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The vast and infinite universe are rich in illimitable
wisdom and boundless power, a power that we call 'energy'.

  像這樣的 a power 的用法,是否恰當呢?

※ 編輯: kkkkk12345 來自: (06/18 05:31)
monamour:"..., called 'energy'" is a safer usage if you're not 06/18 08:52
monamour:sure. 06/18 08:54
sid33beauty:power is uncountable :D 06/18 20:20
kkkkk12345:Thank you.I think so. But I found an example of 06/18 20:36
kkkkk12345:usage of 'powsers', it make me confused. 06/18 20:38
egghead:warning: if you again attempt to post your ad for 06/19 00:48
egghead:recruiting translators without proper amendment as I 06/19 00:49
egghead:have already sent you, in any form or title, you will 06/19 00:49
egghead:get a negative article and a bucket. 06/19 00:51
egghead:any form other than what is explicitly written down 06/19 00:54
egghead:is subject to approval in advance. 06/19 00:55
kkkkk12345:If you continue to delete my articles, I will 06/19 04:03
kkkkk12345:let the world know your stupid action. 06/19 04:05
kkkkk12345:I will let everyone knows you are the 八股文新教主 06/19 04:06
usread:power作強國或富國解時, 是可數名詞 06/19 09:55

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-06-19T08:31
"..., called 'energy'" is a safer usage if you're not
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-06-24T05:48
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-06-27T22:43
power is uncountable :D
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-06-30T10:50
Thank you.I think so. But I found an example of
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2007-07-01T00:16
usage of 'powsers', it make me confused.
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-07-01T03:00
warning: if you again attempt to post your ad for
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-07-02T09:50
recruiting translators without proper amendment as I
have already sent you, in any form or title, you will
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-07-05T07:27
get a negative article and a bucket.
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-07-09T20:52
any form other than what is explicitly written down
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-07-14T15:52
is subject to approval in advance.
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-07-18T13:50
If you continue to delete my articles, I will
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-07-21T13:05
let the world know your stupid action.
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-07-25T15:13
I will let everyone knows you are the 八股文新教主
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-07-27T15:24
power作強國或富國解時, 是可數名詞


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
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※ 引述《shengail ( )》之銘言: : complementing that module with hands-on exercises, expecially those that : involve accessing data from a large-scale ES, is beyond the ...


Selena avatar
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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-06-16T17:02
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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-06-15T21:55
最近協助一位版友,幫她翻譯部分的判決書 目前雙方對於翻譯費方面有點問題 所以想請問各位版友 一篇總共22067字的中翻英法院判決書 如果是翻譯社的� ...

但願眾生得離苦,不為自己求安樂的翻譯 …

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