譯者報價/字_筆_英譯英_管理_10000_不限 - 翻譯

By Ida
at 2009-03-31T11:04
at 2009-03-31T11:04
Table of Contents
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Bidder and buyer reactions to prices are especially worthwhile to consider in
the context of group-buying discount electronic markets. When exposed to a
physical stimulus from the external world, a person may not be able to detect
it all of the time. Just as the weight of a feather falling on the hand of a
person may not he felt, price changes can also act as stimuli that may or may
not be responded to by potential buyers because they are too small. Even
though Drakopoulos [9] does not use the term explicitly, he explains the main
idea of price indifference thresholds, which refer to the minimum price
changes required for consumers to detect the differences. By incorporating a
threshold into a demand curve, he proposes that when a price change is
smaller than some critical threshold, consumers will not detect the price
change. As a result, there will be no impact on demand, though a price change
has occurred. Change in demand will only occur when the price change Is above
the threshold. In our research, we will refer to the related term, price
threshold, to indicate proximity in order quantity terms to the
quantity-price combination that reflects a drop in price to the lower tier.
Research on consumer behavior has shown that other than the current price,
consumers' expectations about future price can also influence their
purchasing behavior. Winer [52] incorporated expected future prices into a
household durable purchasing probability model and found that it was
significant for the purchasing decisions of color televisions. Krishna [28]
conducted an experiment to test the impacts of consumer knowledge about
future low price purchase opportunities. He found that consumers who receive
announcements about near-term discount sales for large ticket-item purchases
are more likely to hold off their purchases until the better prices appear
than they would be otherwise.
[選]試 譯 文:
Numerous studies have indicated the negative impacts of product prices on
consumers’ perceived value which usually decides their behavior to purchase.
As the conceptual model proposed by Dodds et al. [1991], the product price
will increase consumers’ perception of sacrifice which harms their value
perception. At the same time, the perceived value positively changes consumers
’ willingness to buy, which was then proved by their research. Later in the
four price-choice strategies proposed by Olshavsky et al. [1995], the product
price was once again the antecedent of the perceived monetary sacrifice which
is a negative attribute of consumers’ perceived value. Furthermore,
perceived value all plays an exclusive driver for consumers’ intention to
purchase. Grewal et al. [1998] found that there is a negative relationship
between selling price and consumers’ perception of value. If it is intent to
enhance someone’ willingness to buy something, the perceived value certainly
provides a positive support. By collecting data from active shoppers, Sweeney
et al. [1999] concluded that price paid at the point of purchase would
negatively influence consumers’ perceived value. As a result, the greater
the perceived value the greater is consumers’ willingness to pay.
All Comments

By Noah
at 2009-04-04T18:36
at 2009-04-04T18:36

By Cara
at 2009-04-05T04:17
at 2009-04-05T04:17

By Margaret
at 2009-04-10T01:13
at 2009-04-10T01:13

By Charlotte
at 2009-04-14T04:56
at 2009-04-14T04:56

By Wallis
at 2009-04-14T12:25
at 2009-04-14T12:25
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