關於醫學生物方面的文章 英翻中 - 翻譯

By Todd Johnson
at 2006-12-14T05:46
at 2006-12-14T05:46
Table of Contents
※ 引述《TheRock (我相信自己做得到 NI》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《oophs (圈圈叉叉)》之銘言:
: : 原文:
: : The synapses that horizontal cells make with receptors are likewise unusual,
: : lacking the electron-microscopic features that would normally tell us which
: : way the information is conveyed.
: : It is clear that receptors feed information to horizontal cells through
: : excitatory synapses because horizontal cells,
: : like re-ceptors,are in most cases hyperpolarized, or turned off, by light.
: : It is less clear where the horizontal cell sends its output:
: : in some species such as turtles we know that they feed information back to
: : receptors;in other species they make synapses with the dendrites of bipolar
: : cells and doubtless feed into them;in primates we do not have either type of
: : information. In summary, horizontal cells get their input from receptors;
: : their output is still uncertain, but is either back to receptors, or to
: : bipolar cells, or to both.
: 水平細胞與受器連接的突觸也同樣不尋常:在電子顯微鏡下,它們缺乏通常可告訴我
: 們資訊傳遞方向的特徵。受器會透過興奮性突觸將資訊傳送給水平細胞這點是很明確
: 的,因為水平細胞和受器一樣,在大多情況下會被光線超極化(或關閉)。但水平細
: 胞在何處傳出資訊就比較不明確了。在一些如烏龜之類的物種上,我們知道水平細胞
: 會將資訊回傳給受器;在其他物種身上,水平細胞則以突觸和雙極細胞的樹突相連且
: 無疑會向其傳遞資訊;至於在靈長類身上,我們還沒看到其中任何一種資訊。總的來
: 說,水平細胞由受器接受輸入資訊;資訊的輸出方向則還不清楚,但如不是傳回受器
: ,就是傳給雙極細胞,或者就兩者都傳。
翻得好棒喔! 但是我有看到幾個可以如果改了會比較接近醫學生理的term,
在醫學生理學裡面 information 似乎稱做 訊息 會比較恰當
hyperpolarization 的中文有個專門名詞.... 過極化
make synapse 可以翻成 形成突觸.. 因為神經細胞之間不一定會產生實體的連結,
I'm human,
I'm temperamental,
I'm guilty,
and I'm ovulating!
: ※ 引述《oophs (圈圈叉叉)》之銘言:
: : 原文:
: : The synapses that horizontal cells make with receptors are likewise unusual,
: : lacking the electron-microscopic features that would normally tell us which
: : way the information is conveyed.
: : It is clear that receptors feed information to horizontal cells through
: : excitatory synapses because horizontal cells,
: : like re-ceptors,are in most cases hyperpolarized, or turned off, by light.
: : It is less clear where the horizontal cell sends its output:
: : in some species such as turtles we know that they feed information back to
: : receptors;in other species they make synapses with the dendrites of bipolar
: : cells and doubtless feed into them;in primates we do not have either type of
: : information. In summary, horizontal cells get their input from receptors;
: : their output is still uncertain, but is either back to receptors, or to
: : bipolar cells, or to both.
: 水平細胞與受器連接的突觸也同樣不尋常:在電子顯微鏡下,它們缺乏通常可告訴我
: 們資訊傳遞方向的特徵。受器會透過興奮性突觸將資訊傳送給水平細胞這點是很明確
: 的,因為水平細胞和受器一樣,在大多情況下會被光線超極化(或關閉)。但水平細
: 胞在何處傳出資訊就比較不明確了。在一些如烏龜之類的物種上,我們知道水平細胞
: 會將資訊回傳給受器;在其他物種身上,水平細胞則以突觸和雙極細胞的樹突相連且
: 無疑會向其傳遞資訊;至於在靈長類身上,我們還沒看到其中任何一種資訊。總的來
: 說,水平細胞由受器接受輸入資訊;資訊的輸出方向則還不清楚,但如不是傳回受器
: ,就是傳給雙極細胞,或者就兩者都傳。
翻得好棒喔! 但是我有看到幾個可以如果改了會比較接近醫學生理的term,
在醫學生理學裡面 information 似乎稱做 訊息 會比較恰當
hyperpolarization 的中文有個專門名詞.... 過極化
make synapse 可以翻成 形成突觸.. 因為神經細胞之間不一定會產生實體的連結,
I'm human,
I'm temperamental,
I'm guilty,
and I'm ovulating!
All Comments

By Leila
at 2006-12-16T01:24
at 2006-12-16T01:24

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at 2006-12-19T18:50
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