關於醫學生物方面的文章 英翻中 - 翻譯

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2006-12-14T00:19

Table of Contents

※ 引述《oophs (圈圈叉叉)》之銘言:
: 原文:
: The synapses that horizontal cells make with receptors are likewise unusual,
: lacking the electron-microscopic features that would normally tell us which
: way the information is conveyed.
: It is clear that receptors feed information to horizontal cells through
: excitatory synapses because horizontal cells,
: like re-ceptors,are in most cases hyperpolarized, or turned off, by light.
: It is less clear where the horizontal cell sends its output:
: in some species such as turtles we know that they feed information back to
: receptors;in other species they make synapses with the dendrites of bipolar
: cells and doubtless feed into them;in primates we do not have either type of
: information. In summary, horizontal cells get their input from receptors;
: their output is still uncertain, but is either back to receptors, or to
: bipolar cells, or to both.


Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-12-18T16:29
TheRock真是好人 乾脆也幫我翻一段吧 XD
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-12-21T17:49
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2006-12-23T04:39
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2006-12-27T07:03
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2007-01-01T06:57
以小的目前的實力,應該是沒辦法。 :p

請問一下 怎樣才能知道 The Asymmetrical Brain沒有中譯本?

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-12-13T22:31
請問一下 哪裡可以知道英文書籍 有沒有中文譯本丫? 我想找 The Asymmetrical Brain 的 只是找很久了XD 一直找不到 想請教大家 謝謝唷^^ --

關於醫學生物方面的文章 英翻中

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-12-13T22:23
原文: The synapses that horizontal cells make with receptors are likewise unusual, lacking the electron-microscopic features that would normally tell us which way the information is conveyed. It ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2006-12-13T10:00
如題 有人知道嗎??? 本版似乎徵求英文議者的部份較多 雖然偶爾也有零星的日文徵求 但是 想問問有沒有更好的地方 --


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-12-13T05:36
試譯如下,僅供參考: 在過去對兩極細胞 (bipolar cell) 沒有任何記錄之前,沒有人確定兩極細胞是否和神經 節細胞 (ganglion cell) 一樣,證實有中央-周圍 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2006-12-13T01:27
我知道不可以直接求板友們幫我翻譯 但是我現在真的很急 加上我翻不太出來.... 這是和醫學生物相關的一段英文 希望有強者能幫幫我 Before anyone had ...