英翻中 - 翻譯

By Caitlin
at 2006-12-13T05:36
at 2006-12-13T05:36
Table of Contents
在過去對兩極細胞 (bipolar cell) 沒有任何記錄之前,沒有人確定兩極細胞是否和神經
節細胞 (ganglion cell) 一樣,證實有中央-周圍接受域 (center-surround receptive
field),且分成兩個類型:中央興奮 (on center) 和周圍興奮 (off center)。如果當時
答案為肯定,這幾乎可以確定由 Kuffler 所發現的神經節細胞組織是兩極細胞組織的被
學生物實驗室的 John Dowling 和 Frank Werblin,以及哈佛大學醫學院 Akimichi
Kaneko 完成的細胞內記錄。而下一個問題是,這些接受域的構造如何。為了回答這個問
※ 引述《ero7728 (牛奶巧克力)》之銘言:
: 我知道不可以直接求板友們幫我翻譯
: 但是我現在真的很急
: 加上我翻不太出來....
: 這是和醫學生物相關的一段英文
: 希望有強者能幫幫我
: Before anyone had recorded from bipolar cells, the big unknown was
: whether they would prove to have center-surround receptive fields,
: as ganglion cells do, and come in two types, on center and off center.
: If the answer was yes, it would almost certainly mean that the organization
: discovered by Kuffler for ganglion cells was a passive reflection of
: bipolar-cell organization.The knowledge that the receptive fields of bipolar
: cells were indeed center-surround and were of two types came from
: intracellular recordings first made by John Dowling and Frank Werblin at
: Harvard Biological Laboratories and by Akimichi Kaneko at Harvard Medical
: School. The next question is how these receptive fields are built up.
: To answer it we have to begin by examining the connections of receptors,
: bipolar cells, and horizontal cells.
: 謝謝<(_ _)>
: 我的爛翻譯:
: 在任何人記錄了從雙極細胞之前,並不知道是否能證明其中有
: center-surround receptive fields,如同神經節細胞,並且
: 結束在二型,在中心和中心。如果答復是,它幾乎意味組織由Kuffler發現,
: 為神經節細胞是雙極細胞組織的被動反射。根據知識,雙極細
: 胞的the receptive fields的確是center-surround且二型來自
: 細胞內的錄音首先由John Dowling和Frank Werblin在哈佛生物實驗室
: 以及Akimichi Kaneko在哈佛醫學院做出。
: 下個問題是怎麼這些易接收的領域被加強。
: 回答這問題時,我們必須由審查器官的連接,雙極細胞,和水平的細胞。
: ※ 編輯: ero7728 來自: (12/13 01:58)
: → dakota:http://tinyurl.com/y5lvbj 12/13 02:27
在過去對兩極細胞 (bipolar cell) 沒有任何記錄之前,沒有人確定兩極細胞是否和神經
節細胞 (ganglion cell) 一樣,證實有中央-周圍接受域 (center-surround receptive
field),且分成兩個類型:中央興奮 (on center) 和周圍興奮 (off center)。如果當時
答案為肯定,這幾乎可以確定由 Kuffler 所發現的神經節細胞組織是兩極細胞組織的被
學生物實驗室的 John Dowling 和 Frank Werblin,以及哈佛大學醫學院 Akimichi
Kaneko 完成的細胞內記錄。而下一個問題是,這些接受域的構造如何。為了回答這個問
※ 引述《ero7728 (牛奶巧克力)》之銘言:
: 我知道不可以直接求板友們幫我翻譯
: 但是我現在真的很急
: 加上我翻不太出來....
: 這是和醫學生物相關的一段英文
: 希望有強者能幫幫我
: Before anyone had recorded from bipolar cells, the big unknown was
: whether they would prove to have center-surround receptive fields,
: as ganglion cells do, and come in two types, on center and off center.
: If the answer was yes, it would almost certainly mean that the organization
: discovered by Kuffler for ganglion cells was a passive reflection of
: bipolar-cell organization.The knowledge that the receptive fields of bipolar
: cells were indeed center-surround and were of two types came from
: intracellular recordings first made by John Dowling and Frank Werblin at
: Harvard Biological Laboratories and by Akimichi Kaneko at Harvard Medical
: School. The next question is how these receptive fields are built up.
: To answer it we have to begin by examining the connections of receptors,
: bipolar cells, and horizontal cells.
: 謝謝<(_ _)>
: 我的爛翻譯:
: 在任何人記錄了從雙極細胞之前,並不知道是否能證明其中有
: center-surround receptive fields,如同神經節細胞,並且
: 結束在二型,在中心和中心。如果答復是,它幾乎意味組織由Kuffler發現,
: 為神經節細胞是雙極細胞組織的被動反射。根據知識,雙極細
: 胞的the receptive fields的確是center-surround且二型來自
: 細胞內的錄音首先由John Dowling和Frank Werblin在哈佛生物實驗室
: 以及Akimichi Kaneko在哈佛醫學院做出。
: 下個問題是怎麼這些易接收的領域被加強。
: 回答這問題時,我們必須由審查器官的連接,雙極細胞,和水平的細胞。
: ※ 編輯: ero7728 來自: (12/13 01:58)
: → dakota:http://tinyurl.com/y5lvbj 12/13 02:27
All Comments

By Freda
at 2006-12-18T01:31
at 2006-12-18T01:31

By Hedda
at 2006-12-20T04:08
at 2006-12-20T04:08

By Sandy
at 2006-12-22T10:47
at 2006-12-22T10:47

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at 2006-12-23T18:25
at 2006-12-23T18:25

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at 2006-12-28T17:53
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