BBC國家檔案1 - 翻譯

By Kumar
at 2006-11-13T16:26
at 2006-11-13T16:26
Table of Contents
1.It markets itself as a financial centre and as a destination for upmarket
and eco-tourism.
2.The sultan introduced a conservative ideology called Malay Muslim Monarchy,
which presented the monarchy as the defender of the faith.
3.Apparently aimed at pre-empting calls for democratisation,it is said to have
alienated Brunei's large Chinese and expatriate communities.
4.As a part of the deal,a decision on the disputed maritime border in the area
was deferred.
5.Rancour over the 2000 coup persists,with bitter divisions over proposals to
amnesty those behind it.
6.He ran unopposed,resisting calls from some tribal chiefs to not seek a
second term.
7.The vote was polarised along racial lines.
8.Mr Nazarbayev's supporters credit him with managing to preserve inter-ethnic
accord and stability during the reform years.
9.While Kyrgyzstan does posses oil and gas resourdes,it continues to import
the vast bulk of what it needs.
10.Malaysia boasts one of south-east Asia's most vibrant economies,the fruit
of decades of industrial growth and political stability.
※ 引述《Kalovi (沉潛~新竹蒙難記)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]
: 作者: Kalovi (沉潛~新竹蒙難記) 看板: Eng-Class
: 標題: [翻譯] BBC國家檔案1
: 時間: Sun Nov 12 13:43:22 2006
: 1.It markets itself as a financial centre and as a destination for upmarket
: and eco-tourism.
: 它以金融中心和高消費者為對象的經濟觀光業來推銷自己。
: 2.The sultan introduced a conservative ideology called Malay Muslim Monarchy,
: which presented the monarchy as the defender of the faith.
: 國王推行傳統的馬來回教君主制,以做為君主制信仰的捍衛者。
: 3.Apparently aimed at pre-empting calls for democratisation,it is said to have
: alienated Brunei's large Chinese and expatriate communities.
: 目標明顯是要先弱化民主化的要求,據稱已使汶萊眾多的華人和移民社群轉向。
: 4.As a part of the deal,a decision on the disputed maritime border in the area
: was deferred.
: 作為協議一部分的結論是針對區域有爭議的沿海疆界,遭到擱置。
: 5.Rancour over the 2000 coup persists,with bitter divisions over proposals to
: amnesty those behind it.
: 對兩千年政變的不滿盛行著,伴隨要赦免那些發動政變者的痛苦提案決定。
: 6.He ran unopposed,resisting calls from some tribal chiefs to not seek a second
: term.
: 他拒絕部落酋長不要尋求連任的呼籲,順利競選下去。
: 7.The vote was polarised along racial lines.
: 投票權因種族不同而有差異。
: 8.Mr Nazarbayev's supporters credit him with managing to preserve inter-ethnic
: accord and stability during the reform years.
: 那札巴義夫的支持者相信他可以在改革期維持種族間的和諧和穩定。
: 9.While Kyrgyzstan does posses oil and gas resourdes,it continues to import the
: vast bulk of what it needs.
: 吉爾吉斯即使擁有石油和煤氣等資源,仍持續大量進口其所需物資。
: 10.Malaysia boasts one of south-east Asia's most vibrant economies,the fruit of
: decades of industrial growth and political stability.
: 馬來西亞以數十年的工業成長和政治穩定的成果名列東南亞經濟最活躍的國家之一。
: 請指教!
: thx~
1.It markets itself as a financial centre and as a destination for upmarket
and eco-tourism.
2.The sultan introduced a conservative ideology called Malay Muslim Monarchy,
which presented the monarchy as the defender of the faith.
3.Apparently aimed at pre-empting calls for democratisation,it is said to have
alienated Brunei's large Chinese and expatriate communities.
4.As a part of the deal,a decision on the disputed maritime border in the area
was deferred.
5.Rancour over the 2000 coup persists,with bitter divisions over proposals to
amnesty those behind it.
6.He ran unopposed,resisting calls from some tribal chiefs to not seek a
second term.
7.The vote was polarised along racial lines.
8.Mr Nazarbayev's supporters credit him with managing to preserve inter-ethnic
accord and stability during the reform years.
9.While Kyrgyzstan does posses oil and gas resourdes,it continues to import
the vast bulk of what it needs.
10.Malaysia boasts one of south-east Asia's most vibrant economies,the fruit
of decades of industrial growth and political stability.
※ 引述《Kalovi (沉潛~新竹蒙難記)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]
: 作者: Kalovi (沉潛~新竹蒙難記) 看板: Eng-Class
: 標題: [翻譯] BBC國家檔案1
: 時間: Sun Nov 12 13:43:22 2006
: 1.It markets itself as a financial centre and as a destination for upmarket
: and eco-tourism.
: 它以金融中心和高消費者為對象的經濟觀光業來推銷自己。
: 2.The sultan introduced a conservative ideology called Malay Muslim Monarchy,
: which presented the monarchy as the defender of the faith.
: 國王推行傳統的馬來回教君主制,以做為君主制信仰的捍衛者。
: 3.Apparently aimed at pre-empting calls for democratisation,it is said to have
: alienated Brunei's large Chinese and expatriate communities.
: 目標明顯是要先弱化民主化的要求,據稱已使汶萊眾多的華人和移民社群轉向。
: 4.As a part of the deal,a decision on the disputed maritime border in the area
: was deferred.
: 作為協議一部分的結論是針對區域有爭議的沿海疆界,遭到擱置。
: 5.Rancour over the 2000 coup persists,with bitter divisions over proposals to
: amnesty those behind it.
: 對兩千年政變的不滿盛行著,伴隨要赦免那些發動政變者的痛苦提案決定。
: 6.He ran unopposed,resisting calls from some tribal chiefs to not seek a second
: term.
: 他拒絕部落酋長不要尋求連任的呼籲,順利競選下去。
: 7.The vote was polarised along racial lines.
: 投票權因種族不同而有差異。
: 8.Mr Nazarbayev's supporters credit him with managing to preserve inter-ethnic
: accord and stability during the reform years.
: 那札巴義夫的支持者相信他可以在改革期維持種族間的和諧和穩定。
: 9.While Kyrgyzstan does posses oil and gas resourdes,it continues to import the
: vast bulk of what it needs.
: 吉爾吉斯即使擁有石油和煤氣等資源,仍持續大量進口其所需物資。
: 10.Malaysia boasts one of south-east Asia's most vibrant economies,the fruit of
: decades of industrial growth and political stability.
: 馬來西亞以數十年的工業成長和政治穩定的成果名列東南亞經濟最活躍的國家之一。
: 請指教!
: thx~
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