Border of South 國境之南 - 翻譯

By Dora
at 2008-11-07T20:58
at 2008-11-07T20:58
Table of Contents
※ 引述《luvu (樂樂)》之銘言:
: 試翻 基本上不對歌
: 要唱的話有些地方要修
: 不過有幾句我試唱其實有對上XD
: Border of South 國境之南
: 如果海 會說話 如果風愛上砂
: 如果 有些想念遺忘在某個長假
: If the ocean speaks
: If the wind falls for sand
: If pieces were missing in a vocation
If only the ocean could speak,
If only the wind would fall for the shore,
: 我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮
: 任記憶裡的愛情在時間潮汐裡喧嘩
: I'll listen to the waves
: Let the wind through my hair
: Let the love in past roars in the tides of time
I would listen to the waves
While the wind breezes through my hair,
And the love from the past rushes along the tide of time.
: 非得等春天遠了夏天才近了
: 我是在回首時終於懂得
: Summer only comes when Spring leaves
: I finally realised it when looking back
Summer is near only as Spring is away;
So do I realize it only when now I look back.
: 試翻 基本上不對歌
: 要唱的話有些地方要修
: 不過有幾句我試唱其實有對上XD
: Border of South 國境之南
: 如果海 會說話 如果風愛上砂
: 如果 有些想念遺忘在某個長假
: If the ocean speaks
: If the wind falls for sand
: If pieces were missing in a vocation
If only the ocean could speak,
If only the wind would fall for the shore,
: 我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮
: 任記憶裡的愛情在時間潮汐裡喧嘩
: I'll listen to the waves
: Let the wind through my hair
: Let the love in past roars in the tides of time
I would listen to the waves
While the wind breezes through my hair,
And the love from the past rushes along the tide of time.
: 非得等春天遠了夏天才近了
: 我是在回首時終於懂得
: Summer only comes when Spring leaves
: I finally realised it when looking back
Summer is near only as Spring is away;
So do I realize it only when now I look back.
All Comments

By Liam
at 2008-11-08T13:48
at 2008-11-08T13:48
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