Re: 上週PO文徵人的Qydanc為何刪文 並且不對試譯ꐠ… - 翻譯

By Agatha
at 2007-07-17T19:47
at 2007-07-17T19:47
Table of Contents
For the ultimate “over the top” experience, with a distinctly Russian
flavor, consider the Tsar’s Breakfast with a royal $700 per person cost.
Included in what may be one of the world’s most expensive morning meals:
A bottle of Crystal champagne, Kobe beef steak with Parmigiano Reggiano
cheese and truffle omelette; foie gras “Au Torchon” with caramelized apple
and pain brioche; selection of imported Italian prosciutto and cheese, a
generous portion of Beluga caviar with blinis, sour cream and quail
eggs, seasonal fruits,pastries, freshly squeezed juices and hot beverages.
Vodka Sommelier Expertise
Guests wishing to relax will appreciate the library-like atmosphere of The
Lobby Lounge, where they can consult the “vodka sommelier", who can not
only explain the differences and nuances of some 400 types of the Russian
drink, but can also suggest the best ways to combine drinking vodka while
savoring another native specialty, caviar.
※ 引述《zoew ( )》之銘言:
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同時轉載該版友寄給我之試譯文 給大家參考
As the curtain was coming down on the 29th FEI World Cup? Jumping Final in
Las Vegas last weekend, thoughts were already beginning to turn to the 2007/
2008 finale which will be staged in the city considered to be the true home
of World Cup show jumping - Gothenburg, Sweden.
At a Sunday morning press conference FEI Secretary General, Michael Stone,
pointed out that "next season is the 30th anniversary of the series and the
Western European League will carry the Rolex FEI World Cup? Jumping title.
The final will take place in Gothenburg which has a tremendous reputation for
the quality of its organisation and which has made a big contribution to the
development of the series".
This will be the 12th final to be held in the famous Scandinavium Arena which
attracts one of the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic audiences in the world
to its annual fixture. It was at the inaugural event at the Swedish venue back
to its annual fixture. It was at the inaugural event at the Swedish venue back
in 1979 that the coveted World Cup trophy was first held aloft, and it was
Austria's Hugo Simon who claimed the honours on that occasion riding Gladstone.
譯文請麻煩用word檔附加到下面的mail address
[email protected]
Thank you for your reply!
徵求條件 有翻譯經驗者佳 英語科系者佳
截稿日 給稿日起2-3天
聯絡方式 信箱回覆
價格 $2/字
試譯文 (隨回信附上)
(Our website)
For the ultimate “over the top” experience, with a distinctly Russian
flavor, consider the Tsar’s Breakfast with a royal $700 per person cost.
Included in what may be one of the world’s most expensive morning meals:
A bottle of Crystal champagne, Kobe beef steak with Parmigiano Reggiano
cheese and truffle omelette; foie gras “Au Torchon” with caramelized apple
and pain brioche; selection of imported Italian prosciutto and cheese, a
generous portion of Beluga caviar with blinis, sour cream and quail
eggs, seasonal fruits,pastries, freshly squeezed juices and hot beverages.
Vodka Sommelier Expertise
Guests wishing to relax will appreciate the library-like atmosphere of The
Lobby Lounge, where they can consult the “vodka sommelier", who can not
only explain the differences and nuances of some 400 types of the Russian
drink, but can also suggest the best ways to combine drinking vodka while
savoring another native specialty, caviar.
※ 引述《zoew ( )》之銘言:
未照慣例將試譯文貼出 而採用回信方式
曾詢問是否可將試譯文統一公佈在版上 未有回音
上週五本人回覆試譯文 至今日未有任何消息通知(用或不用)
徵到人之後註明一下 而不要將原徵人文章刪除
同時轉載該版友寄給我之試譯文 給大家參考
As the curtain was coming down on the 29th FEI World Cup? Jumping Final in
Las Vegas last weekend, thoughts were already beginning to turn to the 2007/
2008 finale which will be staged in the city considered to be the true home
of World Cup show jumping - Gothenburg, Sweden.
At a Sunday morning press conference FEI Secretary General, Michael Stone,
pointed out that "next season is the 30th anniversary of the series and the
Western European League will carry the Rolex FEI World Cup? Jumping title.
The final will take place in Gothenburg which has a tremendous reputation for
the quality of its organisation and which has made a big contribution to the
development of the series".
This will be the 12th final to be held in the famous Scandinavium Arena which
attracts one of the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic audiences in the world
to its annual fixture. It was at the inaugural event at the Swedish venue back
to its annual fixture. It was at the inaugural event at the Swedish venue back
in 1979 that the coveted World Cup trophy was first held aloft, and it was
Austria's Hugo Simon who claimed the honours on that occasion riding Gladstone.
譯文請麻煩用word檔附加到下面的mail address
[email protected]
Thank you for your reply!
徵求條件 有翻譯經驗者佳 英語科系者佳
截稿日 給稿日起2-3天
聯絡方式 信箱回覆
價格 $2/字
試譯文 (隨回信附上)
(Our website)
All Comments

By Frederic
at 2007-07-18T02:42
at 2007-07-18T02:42

By Madame
at 2007-07-18T06:00
at 2007-07-18T06:00

By Kumar
at 2007-07-19T11:16
at 2007-07-19T11:16

By Emily
at 2007-07-23T23:17
at 2007-07-23T23:17
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