Re: 感謝各位版友對商務法律文件英翻中講座的熱烈迴響 - 翻譯

By Ida
at 2009-03-12T18:04
at 2009-03-12T18:04
Table of Contents
※ 引述《TheRock (就是這樣)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《oxbridge (波士頓回憶的點點滴滴)》之銘言:
: : 套用你的論點 , 教法律翻譯的
: :
: : 柯保羅
: : 學歷:
: : 美國丹佛大學法學博士(J. D.)、
: : 柯老師是在輔大譯研教我法律翻譯的老師
: : 照你的論點, 是不是輔大譯研跟柯老師沒有警覺性 ?
: : 沒有以身為法律翻譯教學者而登高一呼?
: : 以柯老師的實力跟教學 ,難道也需要受你的質疑 ?
: 關於這個問題,我昨天已經去函詢問 Robin Winkler 教授,以下引述他的說法:
: 「I was never comfortable with “法學博士” being the translation for JD
: as the law program that people go through in the US to get the JD is really
: more like a trade school and for most no thesis is required. However, I
: understand that this is how the Ministry of Education decided to translate
: JD so that may be why our firm and my resume uses this.
: The rule of thumb I use for all translations is consistency and avoid
: misleading the reader. I am afraid the latter goal has not been achieved
: with the use of “法學博士” for JD....」
: 由於 Winkler 教授在回函中提到 JD 如此翻譯是教育部的問題,因此我昨天隨後也
: 寫信去教育部求證,應該過幾天就會有「官方說法」。
: 另外,就 JD 應該如何翻譯才適當的議題,也歡迎板友繼續討論。
In United States academic tradition, degrees conferred in Latin may be
abbreviated in Latin only, while degrees conferred in English may be
abbreviated in English or in Latin—provided the degree has a Latin
equivalent. Thus, Juris Doctor may only be abbreviated J.D. (or JD), while
Doctor of Jurisprudence may be abbreviated either D.Jur. or J.D. (JD is also
permissible, as above, but not DJur).
Juris Doctor (J.D.) : 法學士 或 法學博士
DJur: 法學搏士
J.D. 應算是泛稱,Djur 應算是特定用語。
: ※ 引述《oxbridge (波士頓回憶的點點滴滴)》之銘言:
: : 套用你的論點 , 教法律翻譯的
: :
: : 柯保羅
: : 學歷:
: : 美國丹佛大學法學博士(J. D.)、
: : 柯老師是在輔大譯研教我法律翻譯的老師
: : 照你的論點, 是不是輔大譯研跟柯老師沒有警覺性 ?
: : 沒有以身為法律翻譯教學者而登高一呼?
: : 以柯老師的實力跟教學 ,難道也需要受你的質疑 ?
: 關於這個問題,我昨天已經去函詢問 Robin Winkler 教授,以下引述他的說法:
: 「I was never comfortable with “法學博士” being the translation for JD
: as the law program that people go through in the US to get the JD is really
: more like a trade school and for most no thesis is required. However, I
: understand that this is how the Ministry of Education decided to translate
: JD so that may be why our firm and my resume uses this.
: The rule of thumb I use for all translations is consistency and avoid
: misleading the reader. I am afraid the latter goal has not been achieved
: with the use of “法學博士” for JD....」
: 由於 Winkler 教授在回函中提到 JD 如此翻譯是教育部的問題,因此我昨天隨後也
: 寫信去教育部求證,應該過幾天就會有「官方說法」。
: 另外,就 JD 應該如何翻譯才適當的議題,也歡迎板友繼續討論。
In United States academic tradition, degrees conferred in Latin may be
abbreviated in Latin only, while degrees conferred in English may be
abbreviated in English or in Latin—provided the degree has a Latin
equivalent. Thus, Juris Doctor may only be abbreviated J.D. (or JD), while
Doctor of Jurisprudence may be abbreviated either D.Jur. or J.D. (JD is also
permissible, as above, but not DJur).
Juris Doctor (J.D.) : 法學士 或 法學博士
DJur: 法學搏士
J.D. 應算是泛稱,Djur 應算是特定用語。
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