兩段很難的翻譯 - 翻譯

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-02-15T14:32

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In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an

effectively predominant integration of cultural production with:

1.the general conditions of privileged ownership of the means of production


2.the consequent (wage-labor) employment of the actual producers.

所以那個predominant integration of cultural production就是有著上述1和2的影響。


素,以及循此而來的the implications of these ownership (e.g.,: how it may

affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure)(引自lifegetter)。



※ 引述《lifegetter (萍境)》之銘言:
: 希望不要引起太多爭議… ::pray::
: Part of the translation problems here starts with the English article itself.
: Let me try to rewrite the first paragraph.
: Newspapers and television programs are affected by the ownership of
: the means of their production and the implications of these ownership (e.g.,
: how it may affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure).
: Beyond what is visible to the general public, the integration of cultural
: production is often dominated by the ideology of the owners of these means.
: Because this paragraph is only an excerpt, I am sure that i have been 斷章取義,
: but i only want to illustrate that often the English writings we try to
: translate are poorly written in the first place.
: Imho, "direct translation" of these poorly-written articles causes the
: difficulty. Now the question is, should we understand what the
: article tries to say (which will require the translator to also be an expert
: in the field), and "translate" the "contents" only and not the article
: per se? This is where I don't want to start another fight similar to the
: previous one. :)
: On the other hand, I think we may all agree that the Chinese language has
: been irreversably damaged in the last thirty years by these poorly-written
: English articles.
: sorry...i am rushing to be on my way to Taipei so i don't have time to write
: this out in Chinese.
: ※ 引述《undine (on pense)》之銘言:
: : Newspapers and television
: : In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an
: : effectively predominant integration of cultural production with the general
: : conditions of privileged ownership of the means of production and the
: : consequent (wage-labor) employment of the actual producers.
: : 文化生產在報紙和電視媒體中,已存在著一種強大而優勢的運作方式;藉著握有生產製造
: : 機制及勞資關係的牽制,在整體以及實際製程中,影響著文化成品的產出形貌。
: : Thus, except in certain marginal cases, to practice is to enter these
: : conditions of practice, and certain fundamental kinds of determination,
: : whether (as often) directly economic, or (as again often) political, in the
: : congruence between the forms of privileged ownership and the general forms of
: : the socio-political order, or more generally cultural, in an administered
: : compatibility between the actual production and the dominant interests of the
: : social orders as seen from just these conditions, then undoubtedly operate.
: : 因此,除了一些邊緣案例之外,我們甚至可以這樣說,藉著生產機制的掌握及社會政治的
: : 階序關係,或者,就某種文化上更為廣泛的意義而言,在實際製程及階級利益之間,無論
: : 是經濟上直接地,或者政治上某種權力運作,無庸置疑地宰治了實際的文化產出方式。

Tags: 翻譯

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[徵師] 徵英文論文批改 (台北或台中)

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-02-13T22:04
※ [本文轉錄自 HomeTeach 看板] 作者: loveisblind (Love is blind) 看板: HomeTeach 標題: [徵師] 徵英文論文批改 (台北或台中) 時間: Tue Feb 13 01:24:48 2007 外文研究�� ...

譯意 意義 挹弋

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2007-02-13T13:34
我感覺得到 妳此時凝注在我心靈的那眼神 像清晨溫郁艷麗的沉靜 覆落在秋收後 那孤寂的田原。 但這宜蘭 收割後如鏡的水田 一望數里 映著藍天白雲�� ...

Re: 輕鬆一下

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-02-13T12:37
※ 引述《drama (Muse)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《lifegetter (萍境)》之銘言: : : 看到這新月漂鳥集 忍不住自己翻一翻 : : I feel thy gaze upon my heart this moment like the ...

Re: 輕鬆一下

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2007-02-13T10:00
※ 引述《lifegetter (萍境)》之銘言: : 看到這新月漂鳥集 忍不住自己翻一翻 : I feel thy gaze upon my heart this moment like the sunny silence of the : morning upon the lonely ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-02-13T08:38
之前翻的書出版了 因為是第一本 想說剛好趁著過年可以送給親朋好友當禮物 (其實是我爸他們比較興奮...) 但出版社說按規定譯者只能拿到一本免費 ...