兩段很難的翻譯 - 翻譯

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2007-02-16T18:44

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There has been in effect a most common/prevalent situation in the newspaper
and tv programs production, i.e. cultural production is being integrated with
the following two general conditions:
1. privileged ownership of themeans of production, and
2. consequent employment of the actual producers,

which in plain english, means
1. a few owns the means of production, while
2. others/quite a many are then hired and paid by these a few to carry out
the actual production work.

Therefore, except in certain negligible cases, it means if anyone enters
this business/trade, he or she is also entering into these conditions, which are
the general practice of this business. As a result, it also means certain
fundamental kinds of determination are no doubt taking effect as well.

Which fundamental kinds of determination? They as follows:
1. economic kind, which are very often the case, and directly impacting,
2. political kind, which are again very often the case, or
more generally,
3. cultural kind.

What has been determined or are be determined then?
1. economically and plitically, the form of privileged ownership corresponds to
the general forms of the socio-political order.
i.e. in general and on the whole, a few always own the means.
2. culturally, the actual production is also compatible, though made compatible,
instead of by nature, with the dominant interest of social orders, if you look at
the things from this perspective as has been stated so far.
i.e. what is best for me is best for you, me being the dominant interest.

※ 引述《undine (on pense)》之銘言:
: Newspapers and television
: In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an
: effectively predominant integration of cultural production with the general
: conditions of privileged ownership of the means of production and the
: consequent (wage-labor) employment of the actual producers.
: 文化生產在報紙和電視媒體中,已存在著一種強大而優勢的運作方式;藉著握有生產製造
: 機制及勞資關係的牽制,在整體以及實際製程中,影響著文化成品的產出形貌。
: Thus, except in certain marginal cases, to practice is to enter these
: conditions of practice, and certain fundamental kinds of determination,
: whether (as often) directly economic, or (as again often) political, in the
: congruence between the forms of privileged ownership and the general forms of
: the socio-political order, or more generally cultural, in an administered
: compatibility between the actual production and the dominant interests of the
: social orders as seen from just these conditions, then undoubtedly operate.
: 因此,除了一些邊緣案例之外,我們甚至可以這樣說,藉著生產機制的掌握及社會政治的
: 階序關係,或者,就某種文化上更為廣泛的意義而言,在實際製程及階級利益之間,無論
: 是經濟上直接地,或者政治上某種權力運作,無庸置疑地宰治了實際的文化產出方式。

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-02-20T16:17
sorry, typo: what has been determined or is to be
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2007-02-22T20:12


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-02-15T14:32
非常感謝您的回文和rewrite。完全同意您說的,如果一篇文章從一開始就不是一篇好文 章,可能會造成翻譯上的困難。 它的確是節錄,但因為是考題�� ...


George avatar
By George
at 2007-02-15T12:06
希望不要引起太多爭議… ::pray:: Part of the translation problems here starts with the English article itself. Let me try to rewrite the first paragraph. Newspapers and television program ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-02-15T10:17
Newspapers and television In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an effectively predominant integration of cultural production with the general conditions of privileged owner ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-02-15T01:30
推 duckychet:文字很美 但念來不順耶 02/14 22:20 恩 降子試試 I feel thy gaze upon my heart this moment like the sunny silence of the morning upon the lonely field whose ha ...

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Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-02-13T22:04
※ [本文轉錄自 HomeTeach 看板] 作者: loveisblind (Love is blind) 看板: HomeTeach 標題: [徵師] 徵英文論文批改 (台北或台中) 時間: Tue Feb 13 01:24:48 2007 外文研究�� ...