兩段很難的翻譯 - 翻譯
By Blanche
at 2007-02-17T02:53
at 2007-02-17T02:53
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※ 引述《undine (on pense)》之銘言:
: 可是就我的理解,我以為這篇文章大概的意思是說:
: 在報紙和電視這兩大傳媒中,文化的生產並非中性的,直觀上來說,掌握生產工具
: 的那一方相較之下擁有較大發言權力(或者說某種程度上的「發散、文化製造的權力」),
: 然而以更廣泛的層次而言,應該說是社會、經濟、政治等等階級背景所帶出的利益關係,
: 造成這個權力不平等的狀況。
: 我的理解是將第一段拆成:
: In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an
: effectively predominant integration of cultural production with:
: 1.the general conditions of privileged ownership of the means of production
: and
: 2.the consequent (wage-labor) employment of the actual producers.
: 所以那個predominant integration of cultural production就是有著上述1和2的影響。
: 但是根據您的rewrite,把1的因素拉成全部,變成掌有生產工具是影響文化生產的唯一因
: 素,以及循此而來的the implications of these ownership (e.g.,: how it may
: affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure)(引自lifegetter)。
: 我不知道自己的理解是不是對的,這篇文章真的好難(抓頭),希望板上各位高手能繼續指
: 點^^
我個人的看法(但不是原文的本意)是, the consequent (wage-labor) employment
of the actual producers (工作人員還是製片?) 最後還是被控在老闆手裏。
: ※ 引述《lifegetter (萍境)》之銘言:
: : 希望不要引起太多爭議… ::pray::
: : Part of the translation problems here starts with the English article itself.
: : Let me try to rewrite the first paragraph.
: : Newspapers and television programs are affected by the ownership of
: : the means of their production and the implications of these ownership (e.g.,
: : how it may affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure).
: : Beyond what is visible to the general public, the integration of cultural
: : production is often dominated by the ideology of the owners of these means.
: 可是就我的理解,我以為這篇文章大概的意思是說:
: 在報紙和電視這兩大傳媒中,文化的生產並非中性的,直觀上來說,掌握生產工具
: 的那一方相較之下擁有較大發言權力(或者說某種程度上的「發散、文化製造的權力」),
: 然而以更廣泛的層次而言,應該說是社會、經濟、政治等等階級背景所帶出的利益關係,
: 造成這個權力不平等的狀況。
: 我的理解是將第一段拆成:
: In the case of newspapers and television programs there has been an
: effectively predominant integration of cultural production with:
: 1.the general conditions of privileged ownership of the means of production
: and
: 2.the consequent (wage-labor) employment of the actual producers.
: 所以那個predominant integration of cultural production就是有著上述1和2的影響。
: 但是根據您的rewrite,把1的因素拉成全部,變成掌有生產工具是影響文化生產的唯一因
: 素,以及循此而來的the implications of these ownership (e.g.,: how it may
: affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure)(引自lifegetter)。
: 我不知道自己的理解是不是對的,這篇文章真的好難(抓頭),希望板上各位高手能繼續指
: 點^^
我個人的看法(但不是原文的本意)是, the consequent (wage-labor) employment
of the actual producers (工作人員還是製片?) 最後還是被控在老闆手裏。
: ※ 引述《lifegetter (萍境)》之銘言:
: : 希望不要引起太多爭議… ::pray::
: : Part of the translation problems here starts with the English article itself.
: : Let me try to rewrite the first paragraph.
: : Newspapers and television programs are affected by the ownership of
: : the means of their production and the implications of these ownership (e.g.,
: : how it may affect the wage-labor relationship and the cost structure).
: : Beyond what is visible to the general public, the integration of cultural
: : production is often dominated by the ideology of the owners of these means.
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