可以幫我看看對不對嗎? - 翻譯

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-11-03T23:22

Table of Contents

: Professor Michael Marmot, chair of the panel of 21 eminent scientists who
: compiled the report, said: "We are recommending that people aim to be as lean
: as possible within the healthy range, and that they avoid weight gain
: throughout adulthood."The report, which selected 7,000 studies from a
: worldwide pool of 500,000 written since records began in the 1960s, includes
: five key findings.
: 專題討論小組主任Michael Marmot教授,旗下有21位傑出科學家幫助研究及收集資料。他
: 說:『我們建議人們每天在健康範圍內所攝取的肉量油脂越少越好,如此一來人們就可以
: 避免在成年期的體重增加』"這項報告是由從1960年開始從世界各地共50萬份調查中取出
: 7000份來研究,在其發現5個重要的調查結果。


: They are that processed meats, such as ham and bacon, increase the risk of
: colorectal cancer, and should be eaten sparingly.
: 這些調查結果包括大量食用肉類,例如火腿或培根會增加直腸癌的機率,因此應該適量攝
: 取。
processed meat沒有譯出來,加工肉品如火腿、培根會提高直腸癌罹患率。

: Another is the link between red meat and colorectal cancer, for which the
: evidence is stronger than ever. People should not eat more than 500g of
: cooked red meat a week -- or between 700g and 750g for *"blue" or uncooked
: meat.A further finding was the strongest evidence yet that alcohol is a cause
: of cancer. If people must drink, the report said, they should limit their
: intake to two units a day for a man or one for a woman. A unit is a half pint
: of beer or a small glass of wine.
: 這項證明已證實紅肉和直腸癌的相關性。也就是說人們一週不應該吃超過500克的紅肉,
: 或是700克或750克左右的過期肉或生肉。 更進一步的調查發現酒精更是致癌的主因。如
: 果人們一定要喝酒的話,根據報導,男性的攝取量應該限制在一天兩個單位而女性則是一
: 單位。 其一單位約是半品脫的啤酒亦或是一小杯的酒。(*那個BLUE..應該是指變色的肉
: 吧?)

A further finding不是進一步的調查,進一步發現就可以了

: The report recommended mothers breastfeed exclusively for the first six
: months after birth followed by complementary breastfeeding, after evidence
: showed breastfeeding protects the mother against breast cancer.It did not
: recommend dietary supplements as prevention.
: 研究建議餵食母乳能使女性避免乳癌,因此在生育後六個月的女性應持續以母乳餵食嬰兒
: 。 而以補充飲食來避免癌症的方法則不建議。(這一段我非常的不懂該怎麼翻譯)


: "This report is a real milestone in the fight against cancer, because its
: recommendations represent the most definitive advice on preventing cancer
: that has ever been available anywhere in the world," said Professor Martin
: Wiseman, project director of the report.
: 這份研究報導的計畫總監,教授Martin Wiseman指出這份報導堪稱是對抗癌症最有利的證
: 據。因為報告中的建議是避免癌症最直接的,也是世界還未能流通的資訊。(這一段也
: 是不知道該怎麼說... ORZ)
針對防癌最肯定的建議。」研究負責人Martin Wiseman教授說。

: Scientists believe there are several reasons for the link between body fat
: and cancer.One is the relationship between excess fat and the hormonal
: balance in the body.Research has shown that fat cells release hormones such
: as estrogen, which increases the risk of breast cancer, while fat around the
: waist encourages the body to produce growth hormones, which can increase
: levels of risk.
: 科學家相信體脂肪和癌症之間還存有一些關連。其中之一便是過量食用肉品和身體的賀爾
: 蒙平衡。研究指出,脂肪細胞釋放如雌激素的賀爾蒙,而雌激素正式提高乳癌危險性的主
: 因。 另外在腰際的脂肪會促進身體製造生長激素,而這也會提高患癌症的機率。


: Evidence of a link is most convincing for cancer of the esophagus, pancreas,
: colorectum, endometrium (womb), kidney and post-menopausal breast cancer.
: 這些證明在食道癌,胰腺癌,大腸直腸癌,子宮癌,腎癌,以及停經後乳腺癌都有確實的
: 相關性。
: The report makes 10 recommendations including 30 minutes of moderate activity
: a day, rising to 60 minutes; drinking water rather than sugary drinks; eating
: fruit, vegetables and fiber and limiting salt consumption.
: 這份研究制訂了10項建議事項,包括每天30分鐘中度活動提升至60分鐘,喝水勝於喝含糖
: 飲料,吃水果,蔬菜等多纖維食品以及限制鹽分攝取量。
: *****************************************************************************


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All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2007-11-06T05:45


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-11-02T22:46
※ 引述《heart7 (遇到智障集團的首腦)》之銘言: 中文大概要表達的意思是這樣: 協會開辦了一個專門給外籍新娘子女的作文班, 孩子們的母親通常來 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2007-11-02T22:36
請問各位 有沒有什麼網站或書籍可以查詢一些布農族的辭彙的英譯? 像是撒布爾伊斯昂 (鳥名) 路卡 (人名) 巴哈玉 (夢中的暗示) 的英文 若是有人知道 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-11-02T20:43
中文大概要表達的意思是這樣: 協會開辦了一個專門給外籍新娘子女的作文班, 孩子們的母親通常來自於其他國家, 中文不好,也沒辦法教導自己的� ...

Re: 西班文翻譯所

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-11-02T18:15
翻譯人員執照在台灣目前只有英 語文。所以研究所唸畢也不會有西文翻譯執照。 如果你想當翻 譯員(筆譯嗎?),直接接洽出版社 看是不是需要西�� ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-11-02T18:09
我也覺得血腥程度還好,只是看你個人對這個題材有沒有興趣。 因為我沒看完,看到一半覺得描述都類似就失去興趣。 有時可能需要稍微潤飾一下作者 ...