可以請大家幫我看一下我的對話稿子嗎? - 翻譯

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-05-29T23:09

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Which country in Asia is the best place to live? Why?

Vicky: Hi~ haven't see you for long time.
Irene: Yeh, how have you been?
Vicky: So so.
Irene: What happened to you?
Vicky: Because the public security in Taiwan is getting worse and worse.
I want to emigrate.
Irene: Where do you want to emigrate?
Vicky: Singapore.
Irene: Why?
Vicky: Well, I love Taiwan, but I don’t like the environment in Taiwan.
Such as addled apparat, air pollution, traffics, economy and public
Irene: I do agree with you. I can’t bear with the air pollution and bad
public security in Taiwan, too.
Vicky: That’s right. I hope I can live in a place with fresh air, rangy area,
and good public security.
Irene: Yes, Singapore is just like a heavenly home.
Vicky: The air is clean and fresh and it doesn’t have a lot of people. The
most important is the public security there is much better than Taiwan.
Irene: I know. Because Singapore has blue laws. People there are afraid of
doing something illegal.

我不知道該怎麼結尾~"~請各位好心的大大幫個忙 謝謝^^

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All Comments

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-05-30T07:40
getting it to Eng-Class is strongly recommended


John avatar
By John
at 2007-05-29T09:59
不知到 大家 請多多指教 會怎樣翻呢 謝謝喔 --


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2007-05-28T21:01
※ 引述《ttak (無可救藥的浪漫主義)》之銘言: : For example, prompting a sales person to simply open a second : register when a long line begins to form gets more to the root of : the ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2007-05-28T16:49
1.我想表達一個句子是 ”一家公司用人的準則不在於面試者學歷高歷” 那套用到以下的句子 空白處該怎樣表達 Instead of ................students from famous ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-05-28T09:45
For example, prompting a sales person to simply open a second register when a long line begins to form gets more to the root of the problem. and#34;This is what trumps getting more bodies -- getting ...

可請教各位大大幫我看看我的翻譯作業嗎 …

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-05-27T21:56
※ 引述《apple0731 (哀愁的預感)》之銘言: : Policymaking in the United States : 美國的政策制定 : The United States has a non-ce ...