可否幫我校正看看我翻的對不對否? - 翻譯

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2007-10-11T16:29

Table of Contents

我有試譯成中文如下, 可又覺得怪怪的,



Never line the oven with aluminum sheets as the slots preset for keeping fast
the thermic exchange may clog, thus damaging the enamel.
不可用鋁箔紙裝襯烤箱, 因預設為維持加速熱能轉換的狹縫可能會阻塞住, 因而毀壞瓷釉

Approach the door to the heat guard and set the basin under the grid used for
collecting the fat. 靠近門到隔熱體並把盆子放到烤架的下方集油.

Introduce the spit rod into the hole of the motor shaft set at the center of
the bottom wall and check that the rear end is correctly engaged.
烤肉鐵叉棒串進馬達手柄的洞裡 放在壁面底部中心處並確認后端恰當地嚙合.

Lay everything on the support grid using the collar set near the handle.

Set the fat basin on the lower guide and remove the plastic handle; (this is
used for easily removing the meals at the end of the cooking process).把油脂盤

turn upwards the brackets of the lower hinges and hook the upper ones.把下層絞

Close the door a little and lift it slightly to let the lower hinges come out
of their slots.關上一點門並輕輕抬起讓下層鉸鍊脫離狹縫中.

Finally extract it making sure that the two upper hinges come out of their

The flow of air between adjacent room and the room where it is installed must
be free through permanent openings (which may be obtained by making the gap
between door and floor larger).

When the type of gas available does not correspond to that for which the
appliance is set up, replace the corresponding injectors (provided), being
careful to put on the new calibration label (provided) and remove the old one.
當現有燃氣型態不符合 設置的設備 換成符合的注入器(提供的), 小心放在新的分類標籤

When replacing the injector, or when special conditions are present on the
gas distribution mains pressure, a new idling adjustment may be necessary to
adapt the injector to the available gas.
更換注入器或燃氣配送總管道壓力有特殊情況時, 新的空轉調整器是必需的以使注射器適

Operations to carry out when adjusting the idling:調整空轉時操作下:

Fully tight the by-pass screw to adjust for liquid petroleum gas(B/P).完全鎖緊

Appliance with three-pole cable are set up for operation with alternating
current at the voltage and frequency indicated both on the rating plate(on
the appliance ) and the characteristic table.

When the burner is set under a cooking top, the two appliances must be
connected separately, to make it easier to take the appliances out and for
electrical safety.燃燒器置於灶頭下時, 為了使裝置易於取出以及電器安全, 須個別連

Avoid the use of reductions, two-way switches or adapters to avoid
overheating or burning. 要避免削減效用, 二路開關或轉接器可避免過熱及燒起來.

For direct connection to the mains there must be an omnipolar switch with
minimum opening between the contacts of 3mm sized for the load and
corresponding to the standards in force between the appliance and the mains.
要直接與總電線連結, 必須有一個最小開口在載荷量3mm觸點和符合裝置和總電線之間的

The supply cable must be so positioned that no point can reach a temperature
50℃ higher than ambient temperature.電線須設置於周遭溫度50℃以下. 電路連接前

Also check that the supply system has an effective earth connection and
corresponds to the standards in force and that the plug (or omnipolar switch
) can be reached easily when appliance is installed. 安裝設備時, 供電系統有效
地線連接且符合標準, 而且插頭(全極開關)可觸手可及.

Its parts intended to come into contact with food conform to EEC directive

Fit the oven in the recess dimensioned, and lay it on the base against the
shoulders of the piece of furniture, pressed home against the side standards.
安裝烤箱在內凹處, 放在靠傢具齊肩處.

The recess dimensions obtained on the support base must comply with the
instruction given in fig. 16. to allow the oven an adequate air circulation
and proper operation, do not close the recess. 支托底座的內嵌尺寸必須符合圖16
之說明, 才可使烤箱有適當的空氣循環及運作, 不可封住凹嵌處.

Once the electric connection operations are over and the oven is set on the
piece of furniture, connect the equipment to the mains. 一旦電子連接過度運轉,
烤箱放在傢俱上任一處, 把設備和總電線連接.

如果不符板規的話, 不好意思, 請板主大人幫我D了它, 謝謝!

Tags: 翻譯

All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-10-16T05:17
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-10-18T12:49
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-10-22T22:32
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2007-10-26T19:12
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-10-29T23:21
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2007-11-02T04:06
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-11-02T21:32
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-11-06T19:50
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-11-10T14:48
William avatar
By William
at 2007-11-14T02:09


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-10-10T15:30
※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板] 作者: Kalovi (世に廃れ者なし) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: [翻譯] BBC國家檔案18 時間: Wed Oct 10 15:29:27 2007 1.A UN tribunal aims to settle the ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-10-09T08:07
※ 引述《TheRock (就是這樣)》之銘言: : 如果當初出版社有分別付錢給你們兩個人,在明年報稅前,你會收到出版社寄來的扣繳 : 憑單。如果你是用網路 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-10-08T23:37
※ 引述《keishin (印度紫壇的嘆息)》之銘言: : 原文恕刪... : 那不好意思請問一下... : 如果稿費已被預扣... : 但我全年度的稿費(未到18萬)+所得並沒有到� ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-10-08T22:34
先說聲抱歉 也請先別鞭我 我已經爬過文了 可是關於還是看的霧煞煞 有的雇主是算頁數 可是開價高低不一 根據領域及文章內容難度不同差異好像很大 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-10-08T21:52
恕刪 講一下我約四、五年前在某家字幕公司工作過的經驗 因為是專做電影字幕(電視上放的) 所以酬勞是論集的 新手頭三支帶子的價碼記得是2200或2500� ...