問一段英文 - 翻譯

By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-05-08T10:33
at 2007-05-08T10:33
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※ 引述《BARGARYARLOO ()》之銘言:
: 內容是有關潘朵拉的盒子
: The brothers saw that humans were quite weak compared with the other animals,
: so one of them went to heaven and stole fire and brought it back for men,
: thus giving them power over all the creatures.
: ^^^^^^^^^^^
: 學生說 老師好像說 這裡的thus giving等同於which
: 但如果改成which 是不是應該寫成 which gives them power over all the creatures?
: 我是教他數學的 關於文法我不太強
: ............................................................................
: 另外 潘朵拉的盒子上寫著 "Never are you to open it!"
: 為什麼會寫Never are you~~??
: 祈使句這樣倒裝的用意~? 不倒裝的話應該怎麼寫? 謝謝回答~~
最好thus giving=which啦><
thus純粹是個副詞 你要改成therefore也可以 你就是把他省略也可以
在這句話裡主詞one of them做了四件事:
1. went to heaven
2. stole fire
3. brought it back for men
4. gave them power over all the creatures
前三項他都用and來連結...第四項他不用and 直接改用giving 如此而已
若你要用which 意思就會變了 which會變成代表it 也就是the fire
也就是which (the fire) gave them the power over all the creatures
也就是主詞變了 所以不管從意思上結構上giving都不會等於which
若還原則變成you are never to open it
至於be to V的用法與用途
你可以查一下字典 字典會解釋很清楚
: 內容是有關潘朵拉的盒子
: The brothers saw that humans were quite weak compared with the other animals,
: so one of them went to heaven and stole fire and brought it back for men,
: thus giving them power over all the creatures.
: ^^^^^^^^^^^
: 學生說 老師好像說 這裡的thus giving等同於which
: 但如果改成which 是不是應該寫成 which gives them power over all the creatures?
: 我是教他數學的 關於文法我不太強
: ............................................................................
: 另外 潘朵拉的盒子上寫著 "Never are you to open it!"
: 為什麼會寫Never are you~~??
: 祈使句這樣倒裝的用意~? 不倒裝的話應該怎麼寫? 謝謝回答~~
最好thus giving=which啦><
thus純粹是個副詞 你要改成therefore也可以 你就是把他省略也可以
在這句話裡主詞one of them做了四件事:
1. went to heaven
2. stole fire
3. brought it back for men
4. gave them power over all the creatures
前三項他都用and來連結...第四項他不用and 直接改用giving 如此而已
若你要用which 意思就會變了 which會變成代表it 也就是the fire
也就是which (the fire) gave them the power over all the creatures
也就是主詞變了 所以不管從意思上結構上giving都不會等於which
若還原則變成you are never to open it
至於be to V的用法與用途
你可以查一下字典 字典會解釋很清楚
All Comments

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at 2007-05-08T21:40
at 2007-05-08T21:40

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at 2007-05-09T18:30
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