幾句句子的翻譯 - 翻譯
![Skylar DavisLinda avatar](/img/elephant.jpg)
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2006-06-01T01:30
at 2006-06-01T01:30
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※ 引述《erickin (阿更)》之銘言:
: 最近自己在翻譯Jeffery Archer的短篇小說"An Eye for An Eye"
: 遇到幾句不太會翻...
: 煩請各位擅長英譯中的大大幫忙看一下^^
: 1. I was chopping up some wood for the stove before I prepared my breakfast.
: 在準備早餐前,我砍了一些木頭,要放到火爐裡燒的。
: (覺得自己這句的翻譯有點累贅)
: 2. My husband thought it was rats, so he told me to get a large quantity of
: strychnine to finish them off. "Once and for all" were his own words.
: 「我丈夫猜是老鼠造成的,所以他叫我買很多番木虌鹼回來,把牠們殺死。
: 『一勞永逸』是他講過的話。」
: (這邊我是不確定"once and for all"的翻法)
: 3. He knew his timing had to be exact, because he had become uncomfortably
: aware that he was dealing not only with a clever woman, but also an
: extremely cunning one. Mind you, he reflected, anyone who had lived for 11
: years with such a man as Bruce Banks would have had to be cunning simply to
: survive.
: 他知道時機一定要抓得很準,因為他不自在地察覺到,他面前的這個女人不但
: 聰明,而是非常狡猾。不過,他後來想想,要能跟布魯斯這種男人一起生活十
: 一年絕對要有點本事,狡猾成了她的生存之道。
: (這句我翻了很久都覺得翻不好,特別是後面部份...)
: 麻煩大家指教了....
以上,除 2. 外純粹亂入。 囧rz
: 最近自己在翻譯Jeffery Archer的短篇小說"An Eye for An Eye"
: 遇到幾句不太會翻...
: 煩請各位擅長英譯中的大大幫忙看一下^^
: 1. I was chopping up some wood for the stove before I prepared my breakfast.
: 在準備早餐前,我砍了一些木頭,要放到火爐裡燒的。
: (覺得自己這句的翻譯有點累贅)
: 2. My husband thought it was rats, so he told me to get a large quantity of
: strychnine to finish them off. "Once and for all" were his own words.
: 「我丈夫猜是老鼠造成的,所以他叫我買很多番木虌鹼回來,把牠們殺死。
: 『一勞永逸』是他講過的話。」
: (這邊我是不確定"once and for all"的翻法)
: 3. He knew his timing had to be exact, because he had become uncomfortably
: aware that he was dealing not only with a clever woman, but also an
: extremely cunning one. Mind you, he reflected, anyone who had lived for 11
: years with such a man as Bruce Banks would have had to be cunning simply to
: survive.
: 他知道時機一定要抓得很準,因為他不自在地察覺到,他面前的這個女人不但
: 聰明,而是非常狡猾。不過,他後來想想,要能跟布魯斯這種男人一起生活十
: 一年絕對要有點本事,狡猾成了她的生存之道。
: (這句我翻了很久都覺得翻不好,特別是後面部份...)
: 麻煩大家指教了....
以上,除 2. 外純粹亂入。 囧rz
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