後青春期的詩 Poetry of The Day After - 翻譯

By Carolina Franco
at 2008-12-01T21:54
at 2008-12-01T21:54
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後青春期的詩 Poetry of The Day After
當煙霧隨晨光飄散 枕畔的湖已風乾
期待已退化成等待 而我告別了突然
When the light of dawn thins the fog,
The wind has blown dry the bedside lake,
Expectation has receded to silent waiting,
The moment is fleeting, and I am leaving.
當淚痕勾勒成遺憾 回憶誇飾著傷感 逝水比喻時光荏苒
When the tears outline those regrets,
The memory magnifies those sentiments,
The tide is ebbing, and the time is passing.
終於我們不再 為了生命狂歡 為愛情狂亂
然而青春彼岸 盛夏正要一天一天一天的燦爛
(阿信口白:然後呢 一起走吧)
Not anymore, not anymore
Will we live on the spree and love like crazy,
But on the other bank of youth river,
The mid-summer day is getting shinny.
(Narrator: What's next? Let me go with you.)
誰說不能讓我 此生唯一自傳 如同詩一般
無論多遠未來 讀來依然一字一句一篇都燦爛
Who dares to stop me
From making my only autobiography into a poem.
Even in the far-reaching future,
The moment I read it,
Every word, every line, every chapter remains splendid.
讓天空解釋著蔚藍 浮雲定義著潔白
落花鋪陳一片紅色地毯 迎接我們到未來 精彩未完的未來
Let the sky explain its deep blueness,
The cloud define its pure whiteness,
Let the fallen flowers be paved into a rosy carpet,
And lead us to the future,
To the most wonderful future,
Where our youth will never be finished.
人生如果是完美的, 就不完美了
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