後青春期的詩Grow up in my late adolescence - 翻譯

By Anonymous
at 2008-12-02T00:02
at 2008-12-02T00:02
Table of Contents
後青春期的詩 Grow up in my late adolescence
當煙霧隨晨光飄散 枕畔的湖已風乾
期待已退化成等待 而我告別了突然
Smog has been driven away when the twilight came.
The pillow of my tears dried away with bedside shame.
While expecting so much, I waited for fading confinement.
I just had to farewell, my sudden and short moment.
當淚痕勾勒成遺憾 回憶誇飾著傷感 逝水比喻時光荏苒
The tear stains expressed regret over my past crime
The memory mourned my sentiment to the sublime
Shall I compare the flowing water to the flying time?
終於我們不再 為了生命狂歡 為愛情狂亂
然而青春彼岸 盛夏正要一天一天一天的燦爛
(阿信口白:然後呢 一起走吧)
Oh, finally no more, no more
For a craze that I made life sore
For a rage that I made love bewildered
Alas, my youth is on the other side
By and by, with the mid summer bright tide
(Narrator: Hey, my fellow, shall we glow?)
No one shall keep me away
From my own story that I create
Onto the great poetry way
As far as the future may be,
So brilliant as the words, lines, and volumes will be.
讓天空解釋著蔚藍 浮雲定義著潔白
落花鋪陳一片紅色地毯 迎接我們到未來 精彩未完的未來
The bluest sky is what it needs to say.
The snow-white clouds are what they have to lay
Falling petals pave out like a red carpet
Welcoming us in the future to greet
For the no ending coming what-is-it
試譯僅供參考 ^ ^
當煙霧隨晨光飄散 枕畔的湖已風乾
期待已退化成等待 而我告別了突然
Smog has been driven away when the twilight came.
The pillow of my tears dried away with bedside shame.
While expecting so much, I waited for fading confinement.
I just had to farewell, my sudden and short moment.
當淚痕勾勒成遺憾 回憶誇飾著傷感 逝水比喻時光荏苒
The tear stains expressed regret over my past crime
The memory mourned my sentiment to the sublime
Shall I compare the flowing water to the flying time?
終於我們不再 為了生命狂歡 為愛情狂亂
然而青春彼岸 盛夏正要一天一天一天的燦爛
(阿信口白:然後呢 一起走吧)
Oh, finally no more, no more
For a craze that I made life sore
For a rage that I made love bewildered
Alas, my youth is on the other side
By and by, with the mid summer bright tide
(Narrator: Hey, my fellow, shall we glow?)
No one shall keep me away
From my own story that I create
Onto the great poetry way
As far as the future may be,
So brilliant as the words, lines, and volumes will be.
讓天空解釋著蔚藍 浮雲定義著潔白
落花鋪陳一片紅色地毯 迎接我們到未來 精彩未完的未來
The bluest sky is what it needs to say.
The snow-white clouds are what they have to lay
Falling petals pave out like a red carpet
Welcoming us in the future to greet
For the no ending coming what-is-it
試譯僅供參考 ^ ^
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