徵求熟悉網路與資安產業的譯者 - 翻譯

By Kristin
at 2007-06-12T12:07
at 2007-06-12T12:07
Table of Contents
感謝各位,我們已徵到需要且合格的譯者了,請勿再來信,祝大家工作順利 :)
※ 引述《Dadai123 (Dadai)》之銘言:
: 艾格科技徵求熟悉網路通訊與資訊安全技術之英翻中譯者,
: 目前有一批產業報導與新產品訊息,急需徵求譯者,
: 希望有科技領域翻譯經驗之譯者踴躍來函。
: * 工作份量:每份文件長度約為 2 - 4 頁 A4-size word 檔
: * 專業領域:網路通訊與資訊安全
: * 文件性質:產業報導、新產品訊息
: * 案件難易度:中等
: * 翻譯費:以翻譯後之稿件計酬,每個中文字 NT$0.6
: * 應徵截止日:6月20日
: * 截稿日期:可分批交稿,所有稿件需於6/30之前完成
: * 聯絡方式:請來信至 [email protected],歡迎將您的試譯稿寄來,
: 不論有沒有錄取我們都會以E-mail 通知您。
: 試譯稿如下:
: Real-time voice doesn’t translate easily into an application on a “
: best-efforts” IP data network. Traditional
: firewalls in particular can be overwhelmed by VoIP traffic, thereby
: introducing latency and jitter into the
: voice stream, and making normal conversation impossible.
: Some of them, principally the text-based Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),
: are still emerging. Others, including H.323, were not purpose-built for VoIP.
: Both SIP and H.323 use multiple ports for each voice session, and the
: majority of the ports are not static.
※ 引述《Dadai123 (Dadai)》之銘言:
: 艾格科技徵求熟悉網路通訊與資訊安全技術之英翻中譯者,
: 目前有一批產業報導與新產品訊息,急需徵求譯者,
: 希望有科技領域翻譯經驗之譯者踴躍來函。
: * 工作份量:每份文件長度約為 2 - 4 頁 A4-size word 檔
: * 專業領域:網路通訊與資訊安全
: * 文件性質:產業報導、新產品訊息
: * 案件難易度:中等
: * 翻譯費:以翻譯後之稿件計酬,每個中文字 NT$0.6
: * 應徵截止日:6月20日
: * 截稿日期:可分批交稿,所有稿件需於6/30之前完成
: * 聯絡方式:請來信至 [email protected],歡迎將您的試譯稿寄來,
: 不論有沒有錄取我們都會以E-mail 通知您。
: 試譯稿如下:
: Real-time voice doesn’t translate easily into an application on a “
: best-efforts” IP data network. Traditional
: firewalls in particular can be overwhelmed by VoIP traffic, thereby
: introducing latency and jitter into the
: voice stream, and making normal conversation impossible.
: Some of them, principally the text-based Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),
: are still emerging. Others, including H.323, were not purpose-built for VoIP.
: Both SIP and H.323 use multiple ports for each voice session, and the
: majority of the ports are not static.
All Comments

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at 2007-06-15T16:48
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